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Poor (1) Fair (2-3) Good (4) Score (20 points)

The speaker exhibits The speaker exhibits

The speaker exhibits
moderate nervous only positive movement
Nonverbal nervous movement and
movement and makes and maintains eye
Communication fails to make eye contact
limited eye contact with contact with the
with the audience.
the audience. audience.
The speaker has good
The speaker fails to
The speaker has poor volume and projection
utilize vocal variations
volume and/or lacks in and vocal variation. The
and has poor volume.
vocal variation. The rate speaker talks at an
Vocalic Rate is either too slow or
is average. The understandable and
too rapid. Speaker fails
audience is only steady rate of speed.
to captivate the
marginally engaged. The audience is
The speaker fails to The speaker addresses The speaker
address the prompt the prompt and provides demonstrates
Content and/or supplies very limited supporting understanding of the
minimal details to details. Details may be prompt and provides
elaborate on topic. redundant or off topic. solid supporting details.
The speech flows
The speaker has
smoothly with few The speaker delivers
Continuity frequent pauses. “Um”s
pauses and/or thinking speech without pauses.
and/or “like”s in speech
Time 30 - 50 seconds Between :50 and 1:30 2 minutes


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