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G- 8 AUGUST 23, 2019

Mary Joy C. Espina 12- Transcendence SCORE: __________

Are we worthy to fight for poverty?

Do we still have a chance to defeat poverty? We are here today to tackle on this
very tangible issue about poverty and corruption. We are well aware that this issue is
very evident in our own country. “The Philippines”. Tax payers are not getting what the
administration has promised them, also our hard working labourers are not getting the
pay they deserve and the service they need because of corruption.

In the Philippine context, corruption is a big problem and finding a solution has
been long overdue. Still people wonder why we are labelled as a third-world country
though in fact we are abundant in livestock, agricultural and fishery resources. I can
confidently say that there is poverty because of the selfish actions of our very own
government, the people who we trusted and believed that can help us are also the people
who are stealing the money of our fellow countrymen.

In my opinion, and I hope you we won’t argue about my beliefs about our current
administration since we have our own set of certainties. I am convinced that the current
administration is doing great, so far, compared to the last administration that we were
under. I firmly believe that our economy would have an enormous rise if the government
starts thinking anout the the people by giving quality education, providing free healthcare
servuces, an adequate wage hike for all workers and most importantly respect the law,
whether or not it is plunder, plagiarism, driving without a driver’s licence or simply
jaywalking it is right to follow these laws, they are there for a reason.

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