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Contents page 2 improvements

Overall I am really happy

with the colour theme as I
feel as though it
represents the genre of
rock pop very well.
Originally, for the main
storylines (which are now
in yellow) where originally
in red, however when I
looked at this it tended to
bleed together and the
font used made it
unreadable, therefore one
of my target audiences
suggested to change it to
a lighter colour which
overall works so much
better and fits in with the
colours better.

Now that I am at the stage of finishing my construction off, I am now looking at the fine details of what I
could improve to make it better and I went round to some of my target audience and asked any details that I
can improve and someone discovered that I have used the same person twice in my magazine and then
reminded myself that in a conventional magazine, they would not use the same model twice to represent
two different people, therefore I want to conduct a new photoshoot on this image and change the two
people to someone else to take the place.

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