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Hello Friends

I am sharing my Essay Sample Notes. I simply shortlisted some important topics based on last 20 years
papers and I tried to collect some fodder material on it. Like:-

1. Government Initiatives, Case studies , best practices, some good book or movie related to it, some
facts and figures etc

2. Good quotes, sayings and important lines

3. Some opening and closing lines or important para's that can be fitted anywhere

I read lot of essays of toppers to figure out how to structure the essays. I used these learning and
material to write few essays in order to hone my skills. My full strategy for essay Preparation is in the
other article on this blog.

These notes have only quotes and some opening and closing lines. Rest of the material is segregated
present in GS notes so can't share it.

My detailed strategy is present in my blog in case you want to refer. Link is .
Hope it is of some use. Thanks!!!

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