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Combining Innovation &
Technology for Real Change

Imagine new business elcome to our new column, Talking
models that use technology Tech, where we will explore how tech-
and innovation to enhance nology is one of several disrupters in
existing services, or, better
yet, to create new offerings.
the legal industry. Legal information profes-
BY KATHERINE M. LOWRY sionals are experts who are dedicated to un-
derstanding how to apply innovation and tech-
nology for the benefit of their member
organizations, as well as their own firms’
underlying business imperatives. Through-
out each column, we will explore tolerance
for change, innovative new technology, ven-
dor solutions, and disruption made within our
member organizations. Talking Tech will also
feature guest columnists who will expand on
their expertise in specific areas of technology.


Setting the Foundation
Technology is often referred to as
an innovation, but most agree that The Legal Nexus of Forces … surfaces many fundamental issues
just buying technology, such as new being driven and changed by technology. Namely, it identifies
AI-enabled software, may only serve new competitors and new strategies of existing competitors, and
as a Band-Aid to a problem or make it provides insights on how technology modifies firms’ relationships
matters worse. Real innovation hap- with clients.
pens when the underlying processes are
examined and transformative new ways
of solving a problem or creating a new
service are identified. Either way, select-
ing technology as a solution comes later production technique, or open a com- and it surfaces many fundamental issues
in the process. pletely new market. Entrepreneurs are being driven and changed by technol-
Innovation appears to be all the rage a main catalyst for change that causes ogy. Namely, it identifies new com-
these days, but many already believe the most disruption by modifying our petitors and new strategies of existing
it is an overused term. Arguably, current process for delivering goods competitors, and it provides insights on
many are getting lost in the seman- and services or by creating entirely new how technology modifies firms’ rela-
tics. The real question is whether the services. Change is constant under the tionships with clients.
legal industry is a legacy industry so creative destruction model and culture The Legal Nexus of Forces breaks
addicted to the benefits of its legacy is a main component to change. Both the analysis down into four categories:
that it inhibits its ability to innovate are viewed as being critical to economic
and adapt. In examining the role of growth. 1. Client Sophistication;
innovation, there is no better place to
2. Change in Competition;
start than to reflect on the teachings How Does an Existing Organization
of economist Joseph Schumpeter. He Avoid Becoming Obsolete? 3. Law Firm Innovation; and
promoted the term “creative destruc- One possibility is to make it table stakes
tion” to describe a theory of economic for every organization to innovate, 4. Emerging Technology.
innovation in which technology and which might suggest that organiza-
innovation replace older means of pro- tions incorporate R&D (Research & Each category pulls together common
duction/services—one where innova- Development) groups to support a themes and market examples. As the
tion can replace or completely displace more routine approach to innovation or landscape of the legal services market
existing companies or entire markets. assign direct responsibility to an inter- changes, this framework can provide
Thus, either innovate on a daily basis nal intrepreneur that is responsible for a basis for evaluating new initiatives—
or run the risk of becoming obsolete. taking an idea to a finished product. both internal and external.
In his book Capitalism, Socialism, and Imagine a group of intrapreneurs
Democracy, Schumpeter declares: serving as a main catalyst for change by 1. Client Sophistication
offering new business models that use Client sophistication undoubtedly drives
The opening up of new markets, technology and innovation to enhance legal technology changes. With the
foreign or domestic, and the orga- existing services, or better yet, to cre- advancement and consumerization of
nizational development from craft ate new offerings. An example of this technology, law departments are able
shop and factory to such concerns as notion is provided by BakerHostetler’s to do more with less—and that trend
U.S. Steel illustrate the same process Legal Innovation team’s use of its Legal will continue. Reports show that law
of industrial mutation … that inces- Nexus of Forces framework, which they firms have been losing market share,
santly revolutionizes the economic created to analyze the competitive pres- and while corporate clients are seeing a
structure from within, incessantly sures to innovate that are present across modest increase in legal spend, the only
Image © Peshkova

destroying the old one, incessantly the legal industry. It is an adaption of increase in spend is occurring within the
creating a new one. This process of Gartner’s “Nexus of Forces,” which law department.
Creative Destruction is the essential is used to explain the disruption that
fact about capitalism. social, mobile, cloud, and information 2. Change in Competition
would have on industries everywhere. Legal Process Outsourcing (LPO) and
Schumpeter placed a heavy empha- (Learn more at Alternative Service Providers (ASPs)
sis on entrepreneurs and their ability The Legal Nexus of Forces frames increasingly take market share away
to create a new good or service, a new the issues from a law firm point of view, from law firms. With an estimated



now use that was once a service that

law firms provided, or, from another
Innovation has the ability to change markets and break perspective, it might be a new role that
down boundaries. The economic growth of our industry depends legal information professionals play in
on legal informational professionals with substantial domain data classification. It is clear that inno-
expertise to help lead the charge for innovation. vation and technology coupled together
are a powerful market disrupter, and for
your organization to avoid becoming
obsolete, it comes down to a willing-
ness to change, and a commitment to
the investment of time and money to
revenue of $8.4 billion, these provid- market are foundationally suited in two embrace creative disruption.
ers are growing rapidly and represent areas—advanced analytics (machine
services once provided by law firms. learning), and other forms of artificial Are We a Legacy Industry That Can
Two other notable shifts in the market intelligence such as natural language Transform?
place include PricewaterhouseCoopers processing. Yes, I believe so. Why? Because there
announcement of its “New Law” The legal industry faces a far greater is an early prize for those able to suc-
initiative, and DXC Technology Co. challenge in unstructured data. Most cessfully innovate to the point that
entering into a five-year contract with information created by attorneys is traditional companies must succumb
UnitedLex Corp. (Read more at simply unstructured, with nearly every to the pressure of new inventions. It is Both are signals document and email in the document market power. Innovation has the abil-
that the legal staffing market is chang- management system falling into this cat- ity to change markets and break down
ing, allowing companies to better scale egory. Technology that creates insight boundaries. The economic growth of
up their legal staff or completely out- from unstructured data will transform our industry depends on legal infor-
source it altogether. both the business and practice of law. mational professionals with substantial
Motion metrics, clause analytics, and domain expertise to help lead the
3. Law Firm Innovation time entry/narrative analytics all have charge for innovation. Be disciplined in
Law firms continue to leverage tech- profound implications. innovation and seek new ways to create
nology and new services to differentiate There is, however, a steep learning new services.
themselves in the marketplace. One curve—but this presents a new oppor-
key observation is that some firms have tunity for organizations. The machine AALL ALERT
created dedicated teams to focus on learning model includes feedback loops See Katherine M. Lowry present on the
innovation. Governance levels of these topic of innovation during AALL’s Innovation
and learning cycles. This creates a crit-
Bootcamp: Add+Venture Initiative,
teams range from informal to formal. ical need for domain experts and teams April 25-26 in Chicago. Register now at
Those with the most support and direc- of people who understand how to train
tion from upper management tend to the system. Quite honestly, this is where
make the largest advancements and legal information professionals have an
have the greatest ability to meet client opportunity to create something unique, Research + Analysis
demands for greater efficiency, pre- insightful, and transformative. Information Management
dictability, and cost effectiveness in the
delivery of legal services. Now What?
The market is ripe for firms to drive
Together, innovation and technology
innovation and transform delivery of create a constant wave of creative
legal services. It is a formative time for destruction that stimulates economic
attorneys, information professionals, growth by creating new inventions
and technologists to explore solutions never before imagined. This action
together. Innovation teams provide KATHERINE M. LOWRY
could possibly make older services,
great settings to rethink both the busi- goods, and techniques obsolete. If we BakerHostetler LLP
ness and the practice of law. look at the landscape of technology Cincinnati, OH
start-ups in the legal industry, we will
4. Emerging Technology find that hundreds of companies are
The emerging technology category is a now on the scene and impacting how
direct reference to the Gartner Nexus we operate our businesses. From one
of Forces, but streamlined to the legal vantage point, it might be a technol-
industry. Today, vendors in the legal ogy that corporate law departments


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