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4 - 808-2257



OCTOBER 16Th, 2019


In this paper he talks about some meanings on the issue of occupational health and
hygiene within the company for the well-being of its employees and how they develop
and the protocol to be recorded and steps that are carried out.
1.-Work Accident (TA): Any regrettable event that occurs due to cause or occasion of
work and that produces an organic injury, a functional disturbance, a disability or death.
It is also a work accident that occurs during the execution of the employer's orders, or
during the execution of a workforce under his authority, even outside the place and
hours of work.

Los accidentes de trabajo son los que ocurren en el ámbito laboral, por su trabajo
cotidiano o por mandato del empleador.

2. -Activities, processes, operations or work of high risk: whose performance involves a

job with high probability of damage to the health of the worker The list of activities
classified as high risk will be established by the competent authority.

Las labores de alto riesgo son los que pueden ocasionar daños a la salud del
trabajador y estas son determinadas por la autoridad competente.

3.-Dangerous Activities: Operations or services in which the object of manufacturing,

manipulators, consumers or containers of products or substances are likely to cause
serious risks due to explosion, combustion, radiation, inhalation or other similar
contamination that negatively impact the health of people or property.

Las actividades peligrosas son alas que pueden causar daños permanentes en la salud
de los trabajadores como explosiones o radiaciones.

4. - Competent Authority: Ministry, government entity or public authority in charge of

regulating, controlling and supervising compliance with legal provisions.

Son las encargadas de hacer las reglas y velar por l cumplimiento de las mismas e pro
de los trabajadores.

5.-Training: Activity that consists of transmitting technical and practical knowledge for
the development of competences, capacities and skills about the work process, risk
prevention, safety and health.

Se trata de instruir a los trabajadores para que puedan tener los conocimientos a fin de
garantizar la seguridad y la salud.

6.-Occupational Health and Safety Committee: Joint body consisting of representatives

of the employer and workers, with the powers and obligations provided by current
regulations, intended for regular and periodic consultation of working conditions, to the
promotion and monitoring of the management program in occupational safety and
health of the company.
Es un grupo de personas que se encarga de regular las actividades y velar por
seguridad de los trabajadores.

7. -Editions and Work Environment: Those elements, agents or factors present in the
work process that influence the generation of risks that affect the safety and health of

Son las condiciones que giran en torno al trabajador y que pueden ver ser las que
garanticen la salud de estos.

8.-Health editions: The set of social, economic and cultural determinants that determine
the sociodemographic and morbidity profile of the working population.

Permite cuantificar las medidas de salud y el estado de una población según su perfin

9.-Pollution of the work environment: It is any alteration or harmfulness that affects the
quality of the air, soil, water of the work environment whose presence and permanence
can affect the health, physical and mental integrity of the workers.

Son las alteraciones que pueden ocasionar daños en la salud física y mental de los

10. -Emergence: Event or serious event that arises due to natural factors or as a
consequence of risks and hazardous processes at work, which were not affected in the
management of occupational safety and health.

Suceso grave que pueden ser naturales o por procesos peligrosos en el trabajo las
cuales no fueron contempladas con anterioridad.

11. -Ergonomics: Also called human engineering, it is the science that seeks to adapt
the interaction between the worker, machine and work environment in order to adapt the
positions, environments and work organization to the capabilities and characteristics of
the workers, in order to minimize the negative effects and thereby improve the
performance and safety of the worker.

Busca optimizar a los trabajadores y los procesos en la maquinaria laboral a fin de

garantizar un mejor rendimiento.

12. - Accident statistics: System for recording and analyzing accident information.
Oriented to use the information and the associated tendencies in a proactive and
focused way to reduce the accident rates.

Es un registro que contabiliza los casos de emergencia y los casos de accidentes

dentro de un entorno laboral.
13.-Work standards: These are the models, guidelines and standards established by the
employer that contain the minimum acceptable parameters and requirements for
measurement, quantity, quality, value, weight and extension established by
experimental studies, research, current legislation and / or result of technological
progress, with which it is possible to compare work activities, performance and industrial
behavior. It is a parameter that indicates the correct way of doing things. The standard
satisfies the following questions: What? Who? and when ?.

Son los estándares establecidos en el entorno laboral para comparar las actividade y
que se haga de una manera optima.

14. -Risk assessment: Process after the identification of hazards, which allows
assessing the level, degree and severity of them, the information necessary for the
company to be able to make an appropriate decision on the opportunity, priority and
type of preventive actions to take.

Se trata del proceso por el cual se calculan los riesgos y se hacen las
recomendaciones para mejorar esas condiciones.

15.-Pre-employment medical exams: These are occupational health medical

evaluations that are carried out before the worker is admitted to a job. It is intended to
determine the state of health at the time of admission and its best location in a job job

Son exámenes que se producen para garantizar la buena salud de los aspirantes a
empleo y así evitar situaciones de peligro.

16. -Periodic Medical Exams: These are medical evaluations that are performed on the
worker during the exercise of the employment relationship. These exams are aimed at
promoting occupational health through the prior detection of signs of occupational
pathologies. It also allows defining the efficiency of preventive and risk control
measures at work, their impact, and the reorientation of various measures.

Son exámenes que se realizan a fin de seguir manteniendo la buena salud de los
trabajadores y velar porque se mantenga un nivel óptimo en la empresa.

17. Retirement Exams: These are medical evaluations made to the worker once the
employment relationship is over. These exams seek to detect occupational diseases,
sequelae of accidents at work and generally aggravated by work.

Son exámenes que se realizan al final del ciclo laboral para garantizar que los
trabajadores no se vieron afectados por el entorno laboral.

18. -Fiscalizador: It is any natural or legal person expressly authorized by the Ministry or
competent authority and domiciled in the country, responsible for conducting objective
and systematic examinations in work centers, on safety and health matters, as long as it
is expressly authorized by the Ministry or competent authority.
Es la persona encargada de revisar periódicamente el estado de los trabajadores y este
debe ser nombrado por las autoridades competentes.

19. -Risk Management: It is the procedure, which once characterized the risk, the
application of the most appropriate measures to minimize the risks determined and
mitigate their effects, while obtaining the expected results.

Permite ver los riesgos de las actividades laborales y así tratar de contrarrestar los
efectos dañinos que puedan surgir.

20. -Incident: Occurrence in the course of work or in relation to work, in which the
affected person does not suffer bodily injury, or in which they only require first aid care.

Son sucesos que ocurren en el trabajo y que no requiere más que la atención de
primeros auxilios.

21. -Investigation of Accidents and Incidents: Process of identification of the factors,

elements, circumstances and critical points that concur to cause accidents and
incidents. The purpose of the investigation is to reveal the causality network and in this
way allows the management of the company to take corrective actions and prevent their

Mediante este proceso se evalúan los puntos que pueden incurrir en las causas de
accidentes y así aplicar correcciones.

22. -Risk Map: It is a plan of working conditions, which can use various techniques to
identify and locate problems and the actions of promotion and protection of the health of
workers at the level of a company or service.

Detalla las condiciones de trabajo a fin de localizar los problemas que puedan existir
para así corregirlos y proteger a las personas.

23. -Prevention Measures: Actions that are taken in the face of the risks identified in
order to avoid health injuries and / or reduce the risks present at work, aimed at
protecting the health of workers. Measures whose implementation constitutes an
obligation and duty on the part of employers.

Con estas se evalúan los riesgos y se toman las medidas necesarias para prevenir las
situaciones de riesgo.

24. -Emergency Plan: Guidance document of the measures to be taken in certain

conditions or situations of great importance. Includes responsibilities of persons and
departments, resources of the company available for use, sources of external help,
general procedures to follow, authority to make decisions, communications and reports
Es la guía para tomar las medidas necesarias en caso de alguna emergencia y se
hacen los planes para estar seguros.

25.-Accident Prevention: Combination of policies, standards, procedures, activities and

practices in the process and organization of work, which establishes an organization in
the objectives of preventing occupational hazards.

Son políticas que buscan garantizar la salud de los trabajadores y establece normas
para cumplir esta meta.

26. -First Aid: Emergency care protocols that immediately treat a person who has
suffered an accident or occupational disease.

Proceso por el cual emergencias atienden de urgencias a una persona que a sufrido
algún percanse accidental y se atienden de forma inmediata de manera segura.

27. -Processes, Activities, Operations, Equipment or Dangerous Products: Those

physical, chemical, biological, ergonomic or mechanical factors or agents that are
present in the work process, according to the definitions and parameters established by
national legislation, which originate risks to the safety and health of workers who
develop or use them.

Proceso y protocolo que se rige mediante unas normas que se legislan a nivel nacional
para que no ocasione algún riesgo de ningún parámetro tanto de seguridad y salud.

28. - Occupational Health Service: Unit of a company with essentially preventive

functions, in charge of advising the employer, workers and company officials about: i)
the requirements necessary to establish and conserve an environment of safe and
healthy work that favors optimal physical and mental health in relation to work; ii) the
adaptation of work to workers' capacities, given their physical and mental health status;
and iii) active surveillance in occupational health that involves the recognition of risks,
environmental and health evaluations of the worker (medical, toxicological,
psychological, etc.), and the necessary records (diseases, accidents, absenteeism, etc.)
among others.

Es el servicio que se le debe brindar a todos los colaboradores en un cazo imprevisto

de algún accidente laboral o emergencia extrema

29. - Occupational Health and Safety Management System: A set of interrelated or

interactive elements that aim to establish a policy, occupational health and safety
objectives, mechanisms and actions necessary to achieve these objectives. Being
closely related to the concept of corporate social responsibility, in order to raise
awareness about the offer of good working conditions to workers, thereby improving
their quality of life, as well as promoting the competitiveness of companies in the
Es el sistema que la empresa le da por derecho a cada colaborador para alcanzar
dichos objetivos establecidos de la empresa en el ámbito de seguridad y salud

30.-Occupational Health Surveillance: It is an alert system oriented to immediate action,

for the control and knowledge of health problems at work. The set of actions that it
develops provide knowledge in the detection of any change in the determinants or
conditions of health at Work.

Son los encargados de velar por la seguridad en algún cazo de emergencia y que están
al tanto a conocer por cualquier acontecimiento en el entorno laboral y darlo a conocer.
Once this work is finished, we see that the concepts adopted in this work are essential
in the field of occupational health, health, hygiene and well-being in which the steps
they take and how they function, given the emergence of an emergency

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