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1. Day one: God made light so there could be day and night. Evening and morning
define one day.

2. Day two: God made the firmament and separated the waters in two. He called the
firmament, "heaven."

3. Day three: God made dry land appear on the lower waters. He gathered the lower
waters into the seas and made vegetation.

4. Day four: God put lights in the firmament. He made the sun to rule day and the
moon to rule the night, and the stars also. The greater light rules the day and the lesser
light rules the night.

5. Day five: God made sea life and birds from the waters.

6. Day six: God made land animals from earth. He made man in "our" image and
woman. He blessed them and told them to be fruitful and multiply and gave them
dominion over all living creatures.

7. Day seven: With his work finished, God pronounced the seventh day holy and rested.

8. God's first set of Ten Commands were issued at the time of creation. They can be
counted by the phrase "God said."

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