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We depend upon cyberspace for daily conveniences, vulnerabilities, threats, and consequences. We will
critical services, and economic prosperity. At the U.S. build on ongoing efforts to reduce and manage vulner-
Department of Homeland Security, we believe that cy- abilities of federal networks and critical infrastructure
berspace can be made secure and resilient. DHS works to harden them against attackers. We will reduce
with key partners across the Federal government, State threats from cyber criminal activity through prioritized
and local governments, industry, and the international law enforcement intervention. We will seek to mitigate
community to identify and manage national cybersecu- the consequences from cybersecurity incidents that do
rity risks. The DHS Cybersecurity Strategy sets out five occur. Finally, we will engage with the global cybersecu-
pillars of a DHS-wide risk management approach and rity community to strengthen the security and resiliency
provides a framework for executing our cybersecurity of the overall cyber ecosystems by addressing systemic
responsibilities and leveraging the full range of the challenges like increasingly global supply chains; by
Department’s capabilities to improve the security and fostering improvements in international collaboration
resilience of cyberspace. to deter malicious cyber actors and build capacity; by
increasing research and development, and by improv-
Reducing our national cybersecurity risk requires an ing our cyber workforce.
innovative approach that fully leverages our collective
capabilities across the Department and the entire Through these efforts we seek to create a safe and
cybersecurity community. DHS will strive to better secure cyberspace for the American people and protect
understand our national cybersecurity risk posture, and the open, interoperable, secure and resilient Internet.
engage with key partners to collectively address cyber

Pillar I Goal 1: Assess Evolving • In October 2017, DHS issued Binding

Risk Cybersecurity Risks. Operational Directive 18-01, mandating
Identification We will understand the evolving that Federal agencies take specific steps to
national cybersecurity risk posture enhance email and web security, including the
to inform and prioritize risk manage- deployment of DMARC (Domain-based Message
ment activities. Authentication, Reporting and Conformance).
• During the 2017 WannaCry worldwide malware
Pillar II Goal 2: Protect Federal Government attack, the National Protection and Programs
Information Systems. Directorate (NPPD) partnered with other
agencies and industry to assist U.S. hospitals
Reduction We will reduce vulnerabilities of fed-
eral agencies to ensure they achieve to ensure their systems were not vulnerable,
an adequate level of cybersecurity. and issued a public technical alert to assist
defenders with defeating this malware.
Goal 3: Protect Critical
Infrastructure. • In January 2018, the U.S. Immigration and
Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security
We will partner with key stakeholders Investigations (HSI) and the Department of
to ensure that national cybersecurity Justice in Las Vegas indicted 36 individuals
risks are adequately managed. for their roles in the Infraud Organization, an
internet-based criminal enterprise engaged in
Pillar III Goal 4: Prevent and Disrupt Criminal the large scale acquisition and sale of stolen
Use of Cyberspace. credit card data and identity documents. This
organization was responsible for the loss in
Reduction We will reduce cyber threats by
countering transnational criminal excess of $530 million. The HSI investigation
organizations and sophisticated cyber has led to the recovery of over 4.3 million
criminals. compromised credit card account numbers.
• In July 2017, the United States Secret Service,
Pillar IV Goal 5: Respond Effectively to Cyber through a synchronized international law
Incidents. enforcement operation, affected the arrest of
a Russian national alleged to have operated
Mitigation We will minimize consequences from
potentially significant cyber incidents BTC-e. From 2011 to 2017, BTC-e is alleged
through coordinated community-wide with facilitating over $4 billion worth of bitcoin
response efforts. transactions worldwide for cyber criminals
engaging in computer hacking, identity
theft, ransomware, public corruption, and
Pillar V Goal 6: Strengthen the Security and narcotics distribution. Researchers estimate
Reliability of the Cyber Ecosystem.
Enable approximately 95% of ransomware payments
Cybersecurity We will support policies and activities were laundered through BTC-e.
Outcomes that enable improved global cyberse-
curity risk management. • In October 2017, the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
stood up the Office of Cyberspace Forces,
Goal 7: Improve Management of to organize, man, train, and equip the USCG
DHS Cybersecurity Activities. cyberspace operational workforce and develop
We will execute our departmental cyberspace operational policy to operate,
cybersecurity efforts in an integrated maintain, defend, and secure USCG systems
and prioritized way. and networks, enable USCG operations through
cyberspace capabilities, and protect the Maritime
Transportation System from cyber threats.

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