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Set in the 1930s, what sparked the beginning of The Great Debaters is the

tale of Mr. Tolson, a professor in Wiley University in Texas, who established

and coached the school’s debate team. In a timeline where men and women
of color were persecuted and discriminated against, the struggle for
recognition in any field was improbable. This is why the movie entices its
viewers in the first place – for showcasing how to make big ripples from small
stones. The three main characters of the movie, James Farmer Jr., Samantha
Booke, and Henry Lowe, were the students Mr. Tolson trained and honed.
Conflict amongst the protagonists, however, was inevitable because of their
clashing personalities and ways. Nonetheless, these adversities were
overpowered by their values, propaganda, goals, and friendship. These
students, together with their families and other fellow colored men, embodied
the concepts we appreciated the most about the film – empowerment,
equality, and education.

The film features empowerment, specifically in one’s race and gender. Shown
throughout the movie are the scenes of African – Americans being
discriminated and treated unfairly. The Great Debaters show that even with
this “handicap”, even with the whole White America looking down on them,
they can be on equal footing through their debates. Gender empowerment is
also seen and is symbolized by Booke, with her being the first female debater
in Wiley University. Another theme evidently seen in the film is equality. The
never-ending mistreatment of the Blacks were emphasized – unfairly
demanding payment from Mr. Farmer, the arrest of Mr. Tolson, and even the
burning of a man simply for being Black. Lastly, education is present in the
movie. More than the fact that the protagonists are students and teachers,
they are aware of the realities around them. They learned about these harsh
truths either through their mentors’ words or, unfortunately, through
experience. This awareness is being educated and the actions the characters
have taken are precious fruits of their learning.

The Great Debaters is an exceptional movie with a well-written script, an

orderly and effective plot, and actors who portray their characters excellently.
It is no wonder that many award-giving bodies have recognized the prestige of
the film because the message of the movie truly reaches the audience. It
reminds us to be aware of both the injustices in our society and the
discrimination we might be guilty of. It fuels us to live up to our principles and
speak out and stand for what is right. If we utilize the knowledge and power
we have in our hands, we could be “Great Debaters” in our own endeavors.

The film is marvelous not only in its production – the script, the acting, the
directing, even the setting, but also in the thoughts it would like to convey.
Themes such as equality, empowerment, and education were evident
throughout the movie and are sure to reach anyone who would watch the
movie. It is amazing as it is inspiring. The group definitely considers this as a
film that has a great impact in each of the members.

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