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After Struggling with His Obesity for

Years, This Man Wanted to Give Up—
Then He Adopted a Dog.

One day Ogrey had to go to the airport was the worst day of his life, he
was appliance salesman and he had to fly, he was a fat man, he weighed
between 340 and 360 pounds.
When he stayed en the airport and the seat belt wasn’t long enough to
him. so The flight attendant was going to have to get seat belt extenders
of another plane. More than 30 minutes passed…

“Great,” said a man who was in the window seat next to him. “I’m going
to miss my connection because you’re so fat!”

He wanted to die. Right there, in that seat, he wished his life would just

The next day, he needed to change his life, he started looked for someone
who could help him. In the morning , he turned on the tv and he saw an
interview with fromer president Bill Cliton. He looked fit with full of
energy .

So he made an appointment with that doctor, he told her that he had type
2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure

The doctor told him that he need to eat full fruits and vegetables if he
does that , he will start felling better . with exercise
She suggested that he started with 20 minutes of light exercise twice a
day. she said. “And I recommend that you go to a shelter and adopt a
At the beginning he did not want but later he adopted black and White
dog with a big round body he was middle aged and overwight he needed a
routine .
After less than a year Ogrey and peety were slimmer, healthier and
They were walking for a long time .
Gray and Peety walked together for nearly five years, until Peety died of
cancer. Today, O'Grey weighs about 180 pounds, competes in marathons,.
Still, to this day, Peety is never far from O'Grey's mind.

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