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Venous Workshop

October 23rd, 2019

Time Programme Faculty

08.00 - 08.30 Registration

08.25 - 08.30 Opening & Welcome Speech Dedy Pratama - Indonesia


08.30 - 08.45 Tips And Tricks For Thermal Ablation Sriram Narayanan - Singapore
08.45 - 09.00 Tips And Tricks For Non Thermal Ablation Ahmed Kursat Bozkurt - Turkey
09.00 - 09.15 Techniques In PMT Wuttichai Saengprakai - Thailand
09.15 - 09.30 Performing IVUS in Iliac Vein Management Sriram Narayanan - Singapore
09.30 - 09.45 Understanding Anatomy of Lower Limb Veins Jean-Francois Uhl - France
09.45 - 10.00 Hemodynamic Venous Ultrasound Sergio Gianesini - Italy
10.00 - 10.15 Updates in Foam Sclerotherapy Malay Patel - India
10.15 - 10.30 Cosmetic Sclerotherapy Sergio Gianesini - Italy
10.30 - 10.45 CT & MR Venography in Venous Disease Joseph Lo - Singapore

10.45 - 11.00 Coffee break

Shoaib Padaria - India

Thermal Ablation
Sriram Narayanan - Singapore
11.00 - 15.20
MOCA Sriram Narayanan - Singapore
Techniques In IVUS Sriram Narayanan - Singapore

12.00 - 13.00 LUNCH

Sclerotherapy Sergio Gianesini - Italy

Ravul Jindal - India
Ultrasound in Venous Disease
Yeejia Ng
Glue Ablation Ahmed Kursat Bozkurt - Turkey
Compression Jean-Francois Uhl - France
11.00 - 15.20
Tarun Grover - India
Pharmacomechanical Thrombectomy
Wuttichai Saengprakai - Thailand
Iliac Vein Stenting Joseph Lo - Singapore
Discussion All Faculty
Closing Dedy Pratama

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