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Your aug score is how many augments your character can have.

Determine your aug score by

rolling a d4 and adding your Con modifier. The cost of each aug being bought and installed is in
the table below.

Cold blooded 100gp

Heat sensitive 250gp
Any +1 to scores 50gp
Fast reflexes 300gp
Wildfire 200gp
Sonic overload 300gp
Hydraulic limbs 150gp
Cyber eye 50gp
Smoke screen 50gp
Raging bull 150gp
Hurricane 300gp
Chameleon 200gp
Viper 300gp
Stunning strike 250gp
Charging strike 200gp
Flash 100gp
Assisted hacking system 50gp
Automated drone command 200gp
Full H.U.D 100gp
Repeater crossbow 300gp
Bestiary(any type) 200gp
Silent movement 100gp
Integrated pistol 250gp
Overdrive 150gp
Quaking power 100gp
S.C.I.T. A.I. Systems 500gp
Albatross Wingsuit 400gp
Hidden blades 150gp

This list what each augmentation does.

You cannot be seen through heat or infrared
Heat sensitive
You can see footsteps clearly 1 minute after they were made if it was a warm blooded
thing. You can see footsteps clearly 10 minutes after they were made with a dc 16 investigation
check if it was made by a warm blooded thing.
Any +1 to scores
Choose a stat and increase it by one
Fast reflexes
You can reduce ​any​ projectile’s damage by 1d12+dex score as a reaction. If it is
reduced to 0 and it is small enough to fit in your hand you catch it.
You send out a 3 swarms of fire lighting drones. Each swarm will attack the target on the
same round. Wildfire has a range of 40. The swarms automatically hit dealing 1d8 fire damage
each. Usable once per short or long rest.
Sonic overload
A powerful wave reaching 60 feet in a line causing every target t o do a dc 15 con save
or be stunned until the end of their turn next round.
Hydraulic limbs
Double your movement speed, gain expertise in strength saving throws and double your
jump distance.
Cyber eye
Gain advantage on all checks and saving throws requiring sight and you cannot be
blinded other than by a physical barrier (a blindfold, obscusion
Smoke screen
Shootout a 60 foot radius of smoke that hea

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