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The Tuscan order also tends to be unique in its

proportions. Classical columns tended to be tall and

narrow, emphasizing their height, and were placed
closely together. Although this is not a technical rule of
the Tuscan order, Tuscan columns tend to be
proportioned differently than Classical ones, making
them feel wider and more grounded. They also tend to
be spaced further apart.

Tuscan Order came from Tuscany. Before the Romans rose

to power, central Italy was dominated by a culture known
as the Etruscans. The Etruscans built a large civilization,
complete with their own architectural tradition (that was
probably influenced partly by Greece). While the Greeks
started building with stone, however, the Etruscans
maintained an architectural tradition based around wood.
Their temples were wood, and so were their columns. That's
part of the reason that they weren't carved; they were likely
painted instead.

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