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Hola,como estas? bien, y tu?

bien, que hiciste el lunes pasado?

- el lunes pasado fui a la piscina, jugué, almorcé y baile en un pub.

luego, me acoste muy tarde.

y tu?

yo me levanté temprano, tomé desayuno, y fui a trabajar. en las noches cene con mi padre y mi
madre, vimos tv, estudié y nos fuimos a dormir.

pero en enero tomare unas largas vacaciones.

- ah ok muy bien.

Hello how are you?

good and you?
Well, what did you do last Monday?
- Last Monday I went to the pool, played, had
lunch and danced in a pub. Then, I went to bed
very late. and you?
I got up early, had breakfast, and went to work.
In the evenings I had dinner with my father and
my mother, we watched TV, studied and went
to sleep. but in January I will take a long
- ah ok very good.

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