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as a power. (Assume 10. Express each prize Jay is multiplied that the amount won each d by the same number to get the winnings the next day.) a) Ifyou win $5 on May 1, $25 0n May 2, and $125 on May 3, how much would you win on May 11? b) Ifyou win $10 on March 1, $100 on March 2, and $1000 on March 3, how much would you win on March 15? ©) Ifyou win $4 on March 1, $16 on March 2, and $64 on March 3, how much would you win on March 9? @) Ifyou win $7 on March 1, $49 on March 2, and $343 on March 3, how much would you win on March 8? 41.a) Whatis the area of a 5-by-5 square? 'b) Write a power to represent the area of the square. ¢) Explain why the expression in part (b) jis read as “5 squared.” d) Why do you think 5* is read as “5 cubed”? 12, Express each number as a power. © 81 16. Here is a riddle: As Iwas going to Halifax, Tiet a man with 7 sacks Every sack had 7 cats, Every cat had 7 kits, ‘Man, kits, cats, and sacks, How many were going to Halifax? a) How many cats were there? Show your work using powers. b) How many kittens were there? Show your work using powers. 17. A chest has 8 containers. Each container has 8 boxes. Each box has 8 bottles. Each bottle has 8 quarters. 1a) Write a power to describe the total number of quarters. 1b) What is the value of the money in the chest? © Extending 48, Explain how mental math can be used to calculate each power. a) 1 =) 2 b) 0% a) 10° e) 1000? 19, Powers can be used to express some ‘numbers in several ways. For example, 64 can be expressed as 4° or 2° or 8. Write ‘each number in two ways as powers. a) 16 b) 81 ©) 256d) 1024 20.a) Describe a pattern in this list of numbers: 3, 5, 9, 17, 33, 65; ... b) Show that each number can be written as 1 added to a power of 2. ©) Use your answer to part (b) to predict a itd 2 < the Sth and 10th numbers in the pattern. Factors and Exponents 19

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