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cheat sheet

General Panes (splits) Copy mode
prefix % vertical split Function vi emacs
CTRL + : “ horizontal split back to indentation ^ M-m
start new o swap panes start selection space C-space
tmux q show numbers clear selection Esc C-g
start new session with name x Enter M-w
tmux new –s myname kill copy selection
attach + break into window cursor down j down
tmux a # - restore from window cursor up k up
attach to named space – toggle layouts cursor right l right
tmux a –t myname { move left cursor left h left
list sesssions } move right delete line d C-u
tmux ls z toggle zoom delete to end of line D C-k
kill session $ C-e
end of line
tmux kill-session –t myname
Commands start of line 0 C-a
resize-pane –D 20 resize down next page C-f PgDn
resize-pane –U 20 resize up next word w M-f
s list sessions
resize-pane –L 20 resize left paste buffer p C-y
$ rename session
resize-pane –R 20 resize right quit mode q Esc

swap-window –s 3 –t 1 scroll up K C-up
Windows (tabs) list-keys scroll down J C-down
c create window list-panes n n
search again
w list windows ? C-r
search backward
n next window Misc / C-s
search forward
p previous window d detach
f find window t clock
name window ? list shortcuts $ tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf
& kill window : prompt

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