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1. Create an true/false staments to evaluate your peers understanding of the topic.

Is it true that plants and animals in lakes, rivers and seas do not react to changes by physical
alteration of their habitat?

reply: false

2. Ask five question and answer them

·0 In Europe all the water is drinkable?

reply: no, since in some parts the water quality still does not comply with the biological
chemicals and basic chemicals

·1 What can cause climate changes in our ecosystems?

reply:Changes in species composition of organism groups like phytoplankton, algae,

macrophytes, bottom-dwelling animals and fish can be caused by changes in the climate

·2 Because habitat changes can occur?

reply:Changes in habitats can result from the physical disturbance through damming,
channelisation and dredging of rivers, construction of reservoirs, sand and gravel extraction
in coastal waters, bottom trawling by fishing vessels etc.

·3 Where does diffuse pollution come from?

reply:It comes from urban and rural populations, industrial emissions and agriculture.

·4 make a distinction between diffuse sources and point sources.

reply:the point sources are urban wastewater discharges, industry and fish farms and fusion
sources, are the background losses (e.g. forests), agricultural losses, losses of dispersed
housing and atmospheric deposition in bodies of water (for example, marine areas or lakes).

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