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This is not apealeing to some male of the perfect woman but evolving into the best version of yourself.

1. Looks. - the way a person looks tells the world a lot about who this person is.
Your aspect is like your personal life resume stapled to your forehead.
In terms of physical appearance men have different preferences but they all want you to be healthy, they
want to know you your taking care of yourself and of your body, this translates to the flush of your skin, the
fitness of your body and the energy the person is putting out.
Make an effort to look better and make it a priority, because when you look great you feel great.
Men prefer a more natural look in the detriment of more colorful make up, in nature bright color are meant
to signal a creature is poisonous also if you’re going to use foundation make sure you blend it into your neck,
nobody wants to see you looking like those Neapolitan ice creams, the secret is to use every tool at your
disposal to improve the way you look but do it in a way that they can’t tell you’re doing it.
2. Confidence. - there is a fine line between a woman that’s confident and one that’s arrogant. You better
learn the difference because once sparks a fire at the people around her, while the other drives people
Although some men say they find confident women intimidating it’s more about education than anything
else if you grew up in a family where your parents didn’t treat each other as equals and then you find a girl
who’s already killing it in life , this messes with your internal anatlitics confident women have priorities and
they’re going after them they know their worth and they don’t take unnecessary shit and will call you puta
on your own bullshit every real men wants a woman he can take pride in, a person he can proudly call his
partner only weak men go for obedient women if you wanted a maid or a nanny, it would be a lot cheaper
and less stressful to contract one.
3. Smarts. – the age of the bimbo is over yes they might look interesting but the same way you would have fun
looking at and riding a giraffe, you wouldn’t really want living in your house would you?
Men look for someone who shares their curiosity for the world, someone who can hold a conversation,
being smart has a very little to do with academia although there are some points to be made there as well
instead men are looking for someone with depth over superficiality.
Someone who’s been well-read who can connect the dots and talk from a position of,
I actually know what i´m talking about instead of just screaming, the smarter you are the more you
understand the world and can rationalize other people’s behaviors and by doing that you can act
Bein stupid isn’t cool, despite living in the most connected time in history with the access to free knowledge
we’re seeing a rise in stupidity in the west, the rise of the anti-vaxxer flat earth movements are just two
4. Knows what she wants . – this one is simple, don’t play games , you´re either in or you´re out, your either
going to work on this relationship or it’s just something to keep each other day busy , be decisive about your
intentions and about where you want this relationship to go, don’t send mixed signals make yourself clear
and act accordingly. There is nothing wrong with not being ready to start a family or looking to explore other
options but make sure you keep these things clear and hold yourself accountable by the same set of rule
you’re holding for your partner, if you’re feeling lost in life your first priority should always be figuring out
what do you want from life and even more importantly what do you want from life in this stage that you find
yourself in. Once you answer this for yourself you´ll see that everything else falls into place because you
finally have a north star to guide your actions and expectations
5. Someone who has dreams and goals for herself. there is something beautiful when you find someone who
dreams big and has a plan on how to get there, never forget the second part for most people all they do is
stream, it’s exciting to hear from others that are on a journey about how far they have come and where
they´re going, men look for someone who´s going the same way they are, the last thing you want to be as an
add-on to someone else’s life, it might be easy to do so, but give it enough time and something builds inside
of you, something that wants to break out regret, it’s the regret that you lived your life through someone
else´s visions and goals, although you might enjoy it, there is even greater satisfaction when you achieve
your own dreams, if this is something you need to improve in your life, you need to understand how to stop
doubting your greatness and start living
6. Someone who can take care of herself. – There’s nothing greater than finding someone who doesn’t need
you but chooses to be with you, that’s freedom and true love. Real men will always step up to the occasion
when the time comes to provide and real women do the same there’s so much value and having a partner
who’s an asset in the relationship and not a liability. people who can take care of themselves add value to
the relationship and make it stronger, you want to become someone who’s in control of her life and then
shares that life with the person you love.
7. Knows how to communicate. – You hear it over and over again in all marriage counseling sessions
communications is key, yet people still fail to communicate what they want and what they wish changed,
this failure of putting into words idea that have been eating away at your soul is one of the biggest reasons
why relationships fall apart.
If you don’t like something say it clearly, stop expecting other people to read your mind and the nuances of
your answer. Being a powerful women is about making it clearly where you stand.
This phrase is really important “ you can’t be mad at someone if you didn´t make it clear what expectations
you had of the end result”
Yes means yes and no means no, don’t over complicated.
8. Someone who admires and supports him.- Men are looking for someone who don’t take them for granted.
Everyone wants a partner that feels lucky to be with them, it gives you a sense of value and builds up your
bond. Find yourself a girl that will cheer you on when your undertaking a new project, its weird when we see
toxic relationships where one of the partners is so insecure they feel they need to put the other one down,
to cut their wings because they´re scared of the potential. You’re a team you supposed to help each other
grow and reach new milestone together
9. Someone to have great sex with. – Sex is an important part of any healthy relationship and don’t think it’s
something to brush to the side, it’s what builds passion, it relieves stress, it makes relationships fun, there’s
always room to improve in this department start with what you’re comfortable with and feel free to
experiment. The truth is we all have our kinky side and if you’re going to spend the rest of your life with this
person might as well just look through the entire menu just let your partner know what you want in bed. If
this a problem book an escape for the weekend somewhere you can enjoy yourself.
10. Someone who will make a great parent. –her mindset will raise your children not her body or good look,
staring a family is a scary process for everyone, nobody knows exactly what they are doing , raising children
should always be a team effort and you want to know that the other person can fill those gaps. Relationships
change with time they evolve. Never bring a child into this world if your’re not committee to raise it to
become a better version than both of you.
11. A positive attitude with the right amount of realism. – Nobody wants a partner that is always a downer , we
need positive people In our life, and we need it most in our households.
There needs to be a healthy dose of realism in that mix, otherwise your just kidding yourself and living and a
equestria land.
12. Good taste .-
God taste and good vibes are so important in that chemistry that’s I flowing in the air, there ir something
about women that understand beauty and quality that makes them attractive, you’re supposed to look for
the beauty in the world together and see how much you can implement that in your life, that’s what fine
living is all about.
13. Reliable, honest and emotionally stable.- these three all fall into the same characteristic basically, you need
to know you can count on the person you’re with to be truthful with u, being with someone who is not like
this is draining difficult and it makes you not enjoy life.
The more reliable you are perceived to be, the quicker you´ll progress financially and professionally.
14. Someone who can be proud to be with. - Men like to take pride in their partner, in the she is an an amazing
person, I’m really lucky to be with her, kind of way, this works for both sides. If you are not proud of
yourself, nobody else will, so try to focus to change for your best. Start putting your life in order.
15. Someone that genuinely loves him.- this is a forever desire, finding someone who loves us back at least as
much as we love them. Love is complicating is not all about rainbow and sunshine requires work, sacrifice,
forgiveness and a willingness to figure out together, relationships are complicated bur if you really feel
strongly about someone you will make the effort

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