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On a cold rainy day, while sitting on my sofa

I unexpectedly remembered seeing a man laughing under the rain.

Ah! Now my mind asks if he has ever felt being soaked in unbearable pain.

Like someone being dragged in a running train?

That crazy laughing man sounds to me

He lived his life like sonata in the rain

But no one will ever truly understand

The feelings of a crazy man who hears the rhythm of the fallin’ rain

The sight of him made me feel like being compelled

To inebriate, take the cava and dance with him under the rhythm of the falling rain

Yet, I felt I must not interfere, for my heart tells me not to cause him fear

Still, I wonder if I had let myself share his laughter under the heavy rain.

His movement is a great product of art my mind still refuses to forget

The pleasure he felt in that moment, and the feeling I cannot merely forget

When my eyes caught his; browned eyed got locked in black

That moment I felt we’re both rain sired.

The time so far away, the memory so near

The rain came off, its rhythm died, the laughter’s gone; I saw him cried

For such a short while, I saw a beautiful face filled with laughter

Regretting how I failed joining him to the beat of the falling rain
His madness disappeared together with the falling rain

The crazy laughter went off ten thousand light years away

Like a man after having a getaway far away from the painful place

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