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Final Report

Technologies for Energy and Resource Utilization


Safyra Nurshafiyana

Shinya Hanaoka Lab

Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering
Tokyo Institute of Technology
Waste is our consequence as living things, the problem is the increasing of waste volume
due to population growth and their various activities that produced waste. As the population growth
is increasing, the volume of waste is increasing as well. Thus, we have to assume waste as a
resource, it means that the habit of dispose should be changed into process. “The volume of waste
in big cities in the world are produced 1.3 billion tons of waste every year, and will be reached 2.2
billion tons in 2025. The volume is increased around 77% after 2016. In Indonesia, the volume of
waste is reached 151.921 tons every day”, as stated by the researcher from Gadjah Mada University,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia. In Indonesia, only 80% of all the solid waste that properly collected, and
rest of the solid waste are disposed and contaminate environmental. There are 1.5% of solid waste
are disposed into the sea; 5.3% into the river or drain; and 24.8% are burnt. Due to the undisciplined
implementation of waste treatment, several issues occurred such as flooding. Solid waste is mostly
caused by organic solid waste, plastics, or cans that difficult to be unraveled. Not only government
but also society should be aware of this issue.

Waste treatment management in Indonesia is not well applied, since Indonesia is developing
country, thus the waste in Indonesia is causing negative impacts for health and environment. Chief
of Department of hygiene DKI Jakarta said that the volume of waste in Indonesia is getting larger,
in 2017 the total volume of waste is 187.2 million tons every year. The population growth is one of
the factor that impact the increasing of volume, types, and characteristics of waste in Indonesia.
Hence, waste treatment is one of the national issue ever since. There are several regulations
regarding waste treatment management in Indonesia, such as;
1. Laws of the Republic Indonesia number 18 year 2008 regarding waste management
2. Government regulation number 81 year 2012 regarding municipal waste management
Based on two regulations regarding waste treatment management in Indonesia, there are
several clauses that relates to the topic; (1) clause 22, final waste processing is include; controlled
landfilling method, sanitary landfilling method, and environmental friendly technology, and; (2)
clause 28, waste that can not be processed will send to open dumping land. However, Indonesia is
starting to change from open dumping land to be sanitary landfilling with some criteria of land that
should be accomplished.
In Indonesia, there is a campaign that known as 3R which means “re-use, reduce, and
recycle”. It means that people should re-used things that can be re-used, for example plastic plates
or spoons, so that the waste can be reduced. And people should be reduce the use of plastics or other
component that can be harmful to the environment, or hard to be processed. And last is recycle,
because there are several waste that can be recycled to be other useful things, or can be recycled to
be a souvenirs or other goods. By following the 3R campaign, the waste in Indonesia could be


1. Municipal Solid Waste Treatment
Municipal solid waste is waste that comes from everyday items that discarded by the public.
The waste specifically refers to food waste, paper, plastic, glass, etc. Municipal solid waste is
different with industrial solid waste, medical waste, or agricultural waste.
In Indonesia the municipal solid waste is separated into three types of waste. First one is
organic waste that includes foods, fruits, vegetables, etc. Second one is inorganic waste that
includes synthetic materials, such as; plastic, paper, metal, glass, ceramic, etc. The last one is
hazardous materials waste that includes, flammable, corrosive, reactive, and hazardous materials. It
usually comes from battery, spray, fluorescent lamp, hairspray, etc. After the separation process, the
waste will be picked up by various transportation, such as carts, from every house to the temporary
disposal site, it is usually managed by the local government. This temporary disposal storage are
established to reduce distances for the trucks to pick up the waste, and it will lowering
transportation costs. On scheduled day, the waste on temporary disposal site will be picked up by
dump truck to the open dumping site. Furthermore, the organic waste will be processed as compost
and will be used as plants fertilizer. And the inorganic waste will be transferred to the open dumping
site. On the other hand, waste separation process is also not really effective, because there are still
some people who does not do the separation process properly. The waste will be transferred to the
final dumping land with the same truck and will be dumped on the same open dumping site. Thus,
there might be some explosion that comes from waste heap on the open dumping site, because of
the gas methane that reacted with other waste.
Currently, Indonesia is starting to change open dumping method to sanitary landfill.
However, sanitary landfill could be harmful to the environmental, ground water might be
contaminated due to solid waste that dumped under the ground. Moreover, landfill gas consists of
methane gas and carbon dioxide, which are ‘greenhouse gases’, and it contributes in global
warming and climate change issue. Methane gas is considered to be the major issue of global
warming increment. Therefore, landfill are thought to be a major source of methane. The amount of
methane gas is also the cause of explosion under the ground. Hence, sanitary landfill method is
should be strictly prohibited.
Besides sanitary landfill, there are other treatment or method in waste management system
in Indonesia; open-burning method. Open-burning method is still exist in Indonesia, this is one of
the solution for people to treat their municipal solid waste. And mostly in rural area where the local
government is not concern in waste treatment management. It is really clear that, this method
should be stop immediately, because this method is harmful to the environment due to global

2. Industrial Solid Waste Treatment

Indonesia is one of the developing country that is currently expanding the industrial sector.
And each industrial process must be produced waste, which is called as industrial waste. This
industrial waste is certainly does not have any advantages. Thus, this industrial waste must be
carefully and selectively treated. Industrial waste comes in liquid, solid, or even gas. And all of the
waste can be contaminate the environmental and will be harmful for people.
Waste treatment management is one of the obligation every industrial companies should
accomplish. Every industrial company is the only one who take the responsibility of their waste
treatment, so that the industrial waste would not contaminate the environmental or other living
things. If it is occurred, the company should pay fine for the environmental damage. The company
should be responsible and collect the waste by using their own handcart and dump it to the transfer
station. For the larger company, some companies provide their own trucks to transfer the waste to
the dump site or final disposal site. Meanwhile, some companies rent a container from municipality
with 6 or 10 m cubic to be placed around their area. Due to lack of facilities that provided by
municipality, in several areas, the companies are made a contract with private agencies for waste
collection and transportation.
Industrial solid waste must be passed through separation process. The solid waste will be
separated into three steps; (1) ballistic system, it means waste will be separated based on its shape,
(2) gravity system, the industrial solid waste will be separated based on its weight, and (3) magnetic
system, the industrial solid waste will be separated based on its material. After separation process,
the industrial solid waste must be recomposed, by shredding or solidification process. In order to
make the treatment easier. Furthermore, after recomposition process, there are several final
treatment for industrial solid waste management other than disposed to the sea or land, such as;

• Open Dumping
Open dumping is the easiest way to treat industrial solid waste. Industrial solid waste is divided into
two types; organic and inorganic waste. The organic waste will be dumped then it will be processed
by decomposers organism, and will be used a plants fertiliser.

• Sanitary Landfill
Industrial solid waste will be dumped into sanitary landfill. It is a clay coated hole with plastic in
order to prevent the enlargement of the soil. The methane gas that produced by the solid waste will
be used as power plants.

• Incineration
Incineration is a process that burn all the solid waste then the product will be used as power plants.
However, few companies in Indonesia are already used incineration method but in small scale due
to financial issue.

• Recycle
Sorting the solid waste that can be re-used or processed to be new things or other useful things with
high selling value.
Waste in Indonesia, is one of the issue that can not be solved yet. The impact of waste is
really harmful for living things and environmental. However, if waste is treated properly, the bad
impact of waste could be reduced. Waste is separated into several things, based on its characteristics
and other classifications. In waste treatment management, there several aspect that should be
improved, starts from collection, transportation, and disposal or extermination process. The open
dumping method worsens the waste management problem in Indonesia. Hence, final disposal with
an open dumping practice should be strictly prohibited and accordingly there is a need to improve
the existing sites.

In improving waste management in Indonesia, the government should make regulation for
more specific separation for municipal solid waste and industrial solid waste. Public participation
and environmental education are necessary in promoting the waste management, specifically for
municipal solid waste. Because cleanliness and waste discharge from each household is concerned,
thus the environmental education is necessary. Not only waste separation, but also improving the
facility. After separation improvement, facility of waste treatment should be improved as well. The
number of truck or other transportation of waste should be increased, in order to cover all collection
area. Thus, the separated waste can be transferred separately, and dumped separately. It will make
the further waste treatment easier.

In addition, to improve solid waste management in Indonesia by intermediate treatment.

Since solid waste in Indonesia is mostly dominated by organic waste, composting method is a
appropriate method in treating solid waste. Thus, the technical assistance and financial support
should be provided by national and local government. By composting at source of the solid waste, it
can be applied to reduced the budget for transportation and disposal process.

Another way in improving solid waste management in Indonesia is waste-to-electricity by

using gasification technology for biomass waste. This technology may could be applied in
Indonesia. Since Indonesia, as developing country, produces 80% of biomass and mostly comes
from food wastes. Gasification plants produced significantly lower quantities of air pollutants. This
is also use less waster than traditional coal-based power-plants. The biomass that reacted with
Oxygen will produced Carbon-monoxide and Hydrogen. Compared with combustion process, the
gasification process with more power generator will produced more electric power. Not only
advantageous in environment aspect, but also economically advantageous. Gasification process can
effectively compete in high-price energy environment because it produces both power and products.
Moreover, the operating cost of gasification plants is lower than coal-based plants and requires less
pollution control equipment. This suggestion could be more stable through public-private
partnership. To this end, it is necessary to develop appropriate institutional arrangements to fulfill
the commercial viability of the private sector and social responsibility of the public sector. We can
redesign existing MSW management fee for better service by carefully considering income level
and regional diversity.

The increasing volume of waste is caused by the population growth in Indonesia. Thus, it
becomes a challenge for Indonesian government in processing waste properly. Recently, solid waste
management is become a serious issue. The bad impacts of solid waste is threatened the
environment and other living things. Thus, to reduce the solid waste in Indonesia, public
participation and educational sector must be taken into account. The public should be more aware
and concern about separation process of solid waste.
Currently Indonesia is using open dumping site method which is bad for the environment,
because it may caused the explosion. Thus, open dumping method is not the solution for waste
management issue, it is just worsens the problem. For the transportation issue in transferring waste
from temporary disposal site to the final disposal site, the national or local government should
increased the amount of trucks. Moreover, the immediate treatment should be applied in Indonesia,
the organic waste that dumped at the source can be composted immediately. So that the budget for
transportation and disposal process could be reduced.
Indonesia as developing country produced 80% of biomass and mostly comes from food
wastes. By using gasification process this would process the biomass waste into electricity.
Gasification process produced significantly lower quantities of air pollutants, therefore this process
is beneficial for environment. Moreover, the operating cost of gasification plants is lower than coal-
based plants and requires less pollution control equipment. Public-private partnership is required to
participate in waste management system such as waste-to-electricity by using gasification process.

• WasteAdvantage. "Waste Conversion: The Benefits of Gasification." Waste Advantage Magazine.

October 23, 2015. Accessed May 27, 2018.

• Chaerul et al., 2013

M. Chaerul, M. Tanaka, A.V. Shekdar
Municipal solid waste management in Indonesia: status and strategic actions
J. Faculty Environ. Sci. Technol., l2 (1) (2013), pp. 41-49

• "Volume Sampah Dunia Naik 77 Persen." Republika Online. November 12, 2016. Accessed May
27, 2018.

• Aprilia, Aretha, Tetsuo Tezuka, and Gert Spaargare. "Household Solid Waste Management in
Jakarta, Indonesia: A Socio-Economic Evaluation." Waste Management - An Integrated Vision,
2012. doi:10.5772/51464.

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