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Why does bullying happen ?

Bullying is a serious matter.There is no legal definition of bullying. But it is

usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to hurt someone
either emotionally or physically, and is often aimed at certain people because
of their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation or any other aspect such as
appearance or disability.Bullying can take many forms including physical
assault, teasing, making threats, name calling and cyber bullying. Bullying can
happen anywhere such as at school,work and field.Nowadays,bullying is
popular among the students cause by a lot of reasons.Statistics from the
Education Ministry revealed that there were more than 14,000 cases of
bullying in schools between 2012 and 2015, with most of them involving
physical bullying. This will give big impact especially towards the students who
are bullied such as depression and anxiety, increased feelings of sadness and
loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of interest in
activities they used to enjoy . So why does bullying happen in school ?

Firstly , personality risk factors which is students who bully have ‘shame
prone’ problem. In fact, psychologists have found that kids who behave like
bullies have very high self-esteem, but they are very "shame-prone". That
means they are afraid their failures or shortcomings will be exposed. A person
can have problems with shame and still have high self-esteem, and this is what
makes a person act like a bully. Their mean behavior toward others keeps their
self-esteem high because it takes their own and others' attention away from
the parts of themselves about which they are ashamed. They also may be
trying to make up power or love in their own lives by seem to enjoy harming
others just like happened to Zulfarhan Osman Zulkarnain ,UPNM cadet officer
that have been tortured abused until morning by the bullies . This is because
the bully often do not understand the feelings of the person they bully. In
addition, as we have learned thus far, those who have low self-esteem often
become the target of bullies. Those with higher self-esteem may feel confident
and comfortable standing up to the bully.

The second reason is the bullies have been the victim of bullying
themselves before. They tend to be more aggressive than bullies who have
never been a victim of bullying. This maybe cause by they tend to be less
popular before being bullied , more often bullied by their siblings, be otherwise
abuse or neglected. The experience of violence, tortured, stress, depression
and loneliness from the past creates a sense of powerlessness and anger. As
a result, they are attempting to regain a sense of power in their lives. The
victims they target are usually more vulnerable than them, which allows them
to feel powerful and in control. By bullying other kids is a way for them to
retaliate for the pain they experienced. This situation lead them to have acting
with aggression suddenly .This is where aggressive students often have poor
impulse control and a quick temper.Rather than using reasoning, they resort to
coercion and dominance. They also may hit and kick instead of using
words. This shown in article, where even Zulfarhan had scream ‘Tolong’(help)
and ‘Panas’(hot) when the steam iron was placed on his body by the bullies,
the bullies ignored and continue tortured him all night long.This prove that
emotional, anger,frustration lead the bully inflict pain on others repeatedly.

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