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The highest competition between businessmen to used all of manner to getting benefit . Indeed
they are disregard all of ethic to operating the business. This result founding the divergence thing
in traditional markets be like se ducing the dose of the scales, mixing between the good in bad
qualities are each other. Trehefore to avord the deviation like that we have to appling the ethic of
Islamic bussines in trading buse on prophet muhammad’s charachteristics be like siddiq ,
amanah, fatanah, tabliq and istiqamah. This study aimed to reseach how to comprehension and
how to appling the ethics of Islamic bussines at trades in the traditional markets subdistrict of
rantau. This study used the descriptive qualitative appoarch with field research and used data of
primer and data of secundure.the technic of the study used observation , interviews and
documentation. Whereas,in analyzing data ,reseacherss used data reduction, data presentation
and classification. The result of study are as follows : First, how the devration as the traditional
trades said that they did’nt know about the etchic of Islamic bussines, but the trades in operating
they bussines using base on the prophet Muhammad’s characteristic , however, there are trades
who don’t understand about the teory amd don’t apply the ethic of Islamic bussines because be
strange for thrm as well as the low education they have second, base on result of this study , the
ethich of Islamic bussines be like prophet Muhammad’s charachterictics have been implemented
in rantaus markets. The result of the application ethics of Islamic bussines is the trades getting
big benefit be paid a fee and can maintaning their bussines for years.

Keyword : ethic.of Islamic bussiness, markets

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