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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 9–18 doi:10.1111/anae.


Review Article
Peri-operative nutrition
Y. Ali Abdelhamid,1 M. J. Chapman2,3 and A. M. Deane3,4

1 Clinical Fellow, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, Ontario,
2 Professor, 4 Clinical Associate Professor, Discipline of Acute Care Medicine, University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
3 Staff Specialist, Intensive Care, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia

Patients are frequently malnourished or are at risk of malnutrition before surgery. Peri-operative nutritional support
can improve their outcomes. This review focuses on new developments in peri-operative nutrition, including: patient
preparation and pre-operative fasting; the role of nutritional supplementation; the optimal route and timing of nutri-
ent delivery; and the nutritional management of specific groups including critically ill, obese and elderly patients.
Correspondence to: Y. Ali Abdelhamid
Accepted: 5 October 2015

Introduction [3]. Appropriate peri-operative nutrition can reduce

Malnutrition is associated with morbidity, mortality complications and shorten hospitalisation and inten-
and increased healthcare costs [1–5]. The prevalence sive care. Accordingly, peri-operative nutritional ther-
of malnutrition varies with the definition and con- apy may be a very cost-effective intervention [5, 14–
comitant diseases, affecting one in four patients with 16].
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and four in five The aim of this review is to describe the evidence
patients with pancreatic cancer or head and neck can- for nutrition in the peri-operative period and to high-
cer [1]. Pre-operative malnutrition is associated with light areas for future research.
increased susceptibility to infection, impaired wound
healing, pressure ulceration and prolonged hospital Before surgery
stay [2, 6–10]. Malnutrition is exacerbated by addi- Nutritional assessment
tional weight loss during hospitalisation, which occurs Nutritional status is difficult to quantify accurately [2].
in up to two-thirds of patients [11], and is due in part A history of chronic disease, infection, surgery and
to the substantial catabolic response to surgery [12]. recent reduced dietary intake and weight loss help
The implications of malnutrition are significant. identify patients at risk of malnutrition. Assessment
For example, malnutrition is the third most frequent may include a calculation of body mass index (BMI),
reason cited for postoperative hospital re-admission an estimate of recent loss of subcutaneous fat and
[13]. Critically ill surgical patients are at particular risk muscle mass, as well as signs of specific nutritional
of both malnutrition and associated poor outcomes deficiencies [17].

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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 9–18 Ali Abdelhamid et al. | Peri-operative nutrition

Importantly, malnutrition can accompany morbid patient’s nutritional status, it is intuitive that an inte-
obesity [5]. The macronutrient excess of obesity can grated approach will identify patients at greatest risk
co-exist with malnutrition that is associated with of malnutrition in the peri-operative period, particu-
chronic inflammation, sarcopenia and micronutrient larly those expected to be starved for 5–7 days after
deficiency [18, 19]. Epidemiological studies have surgery [5]. Implementing validated assessment tools
reported an inconsistent relationship between body fat and nutrition protocols in busy ‘real-world’ settings
composition, particularly as defined by the BMI, and beyond clinical trials is challenging [29].
outcomes following surgery [20]. However, data from
large cohorts of postoperative patients suggest that the Fasting
morbidly obese (BMI ≥ 40 kg.m 2) have more postop- Concerns about the potential for aspiration, anasto-
erative ventilatory support, more infections, and pro- motic breakdown and postoperative ileus resulted in
longed critical care [18, 20, 21]. The distinct needs of the traditional peri-operative fast: no food or drink for
these patients need to be identified. 6–12 h before the induction of anaesthesia and then
Numerous laboratory indices have been proposed for up to several postoperative days, particularly after
as markers of nutritional status. For example, low pre- laparotomy [30, 31]. Intravenous fluids were infused
operative serum albumin concentrations are associated until bowel function returned, followed by the graded
with delayed wound healing [22, 23] and can be used introduction of diet [31]. Delays in theatre availability
to predict morbidity in patients undergoing elective frequently meant that patients awaiting non-elective
operations [5, 24, 25]. However, as albumin concentra- operations fasted for longer. Prolonged pre-operative
tion is suppressed by surgery and illness, its postopera- fasting may be harmful, as fasting induces metabolic
tive measurement is of limited value [5]. The stress and impairs mitochondrial function and insulin
peri-operative measurements of serum transferrin and sensitivity [2]. Recent evidence and a more sophisti-
pre-albumin have more potential, along with serum cated understanding of gastrointestinal motility have
cholesterol and lymphocyte count, as their half-lives challenged the historical fast.
are shorter than albumin [26]. However, the clinical Gastric emptying is controlled by neural and hor-
value of these markers is indicative rather than diag- monal pathways and is determined by a number of
nostic, as they are not specific for malnutrition. intraluminal and extraluminal factors. Intraluminal
A number of tools incorporate history, examina- factors include meal composition (caloric load, volume,
tion findings and laboratory values to identify malnu- temperature and nutrient type), the osmolality of small
trition. None are widely accepted [5]. They include intestinal contents and the length and the region of
‘subjective global assessment’ and the ‘malnutrition small intestine exposed to nutrient [32]. Extraluminal
universal screening tool’. The ‘nutritional risk survey factors include glycaemia, posture, pain, sex and age
2002’ (NRS 2002) is the best validated for surgical [33, 34]. The optimal duration of fasting for a particu-
patients [27], but the amount of time required to cal- lar patient depends on numerous factors. The rate of
culate a score for each patient has restricted its wide- emptying of nutrient from the stomach is linear, with
spread use [5]. Furthermore, there is limited evidence emptying occurring more rapidly for liquids than
to suggest that interventions triggered by the NRS solids. In contrast, water is emptied from the stomach
2002 score have improved patient outcomes [28]. For exponentially, with an approximate half-life of 10 min
example, a non-blinded prospective observational [35–37].
study of patients undergoing abdominal surgery found A reduction in the standard fasting periods has lit-
that one week or more of pre-operative enteral or par- tle to no effect on the volume or pH of gastric con-
enteral nutrition in patients with an NRS 2002 score tents [38]. A fast of 2 h for clear fluids is sufficient to
> 5 reduced complications and hospital stay [28]. ensure an empty stomach for the majority of otherwise
However, causation cannot be concluded, due to the well elective surgical patients, whereas no solid food
substantial risks of bias in observational studies. should be consumed 6 h before anaesthetic induction
Because no single method comprehensively assesses a [38, 39]. However, aspiration is uncommon – studies

10 © 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland

Ali Abdelhamid et al. | Peri-operative nutrition Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 9–18

have not quantified the rate of aspiration or related tracheostomy tube) can be fed enterally until the time
morbidity associated with different fasting periods. of surgery [42–44]. Our experience is that such an
Recommendations are therefore based on the indirect approach is safe, with the exception of patients who
measures of gastric volume and pH. Gastric emptying require surgery on the airway or gastrointestinal tract
is slowed for patients with certain chronic illnesses or [42, 43].
receiving specific therapies (Table 1) [38–41]. Standard
fasting guidelines should not be applied uniformly for Carbohydrate loading
these populations, particularly as they have not been Patient outcomes may be improved by a shorter fast-
studied by the studies on which the recommendations ing period preceded by prescribed carbohydrate intake
have been based [21, 38]. The risk of aspiration for [46]. Studies have reported that postoperative insulin
such patients should be individually assessed by the sensitivity is preserved by carbohydrate drinks (100 g
anaesthetist and fasting times adjusted accordingly: the night before surgery and 50 g 2 h before surgery)
some patients may need to be managed as non-fasted [47] or intravenous glucose (5 1.min 1) [48],
regardless of the fasting period. possibly through suppression of fat and glucose oxida-
Gastro-oesophageal regurgitation and pulmonary tion and attenuation of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase
aspiration is thought to be more likely in critically ill [18].
patients, due to disturbed gastric and oesophageal A recent systematic review of randomised con-
motility [33]. Pre-operative fasting, particularly when trolled trials, predominantly of patients having abdom-
six or more hours in duration, will starve critically ill inal surgery, reported that pre-operative carbohydrate
patients who require frequent operations [42–45]. drinks reduced insulin resistance and improved a
There is some evidence that critically ill patients with number of subjective markers of patient wellbeing,
a protected airway (defined as a cuffed tracheal or including hunger, thirst, anxiety and nausea, without
increased rates of adverse events [49]. Another meta-
Table 1 Factors associated with slower gastric emptying.
analysis of 21 randomised trials reported that oral car-
Disease States bohydrate loading was associated with reduced length
Autonomic dysfunction: diabetes mellitus, amyloidosis, of stay and reduced insulin resistance in patients
Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, HIV, spinal
undergoing major abdominal surgery [50]. However,
Hyperglycaemia as the authors acknowledge, the individual studies
Alcoholism were of low to moderate quality and had small sample
Malignancy sizes, while the definitions of outcomes and assessment
Critical illness methods for insulin resistance varied. For these rea-
Gastrointestinal disease: gastric dysmotility, gastric
sons, there is the potential for bias and over-estimation
outlet or bowel obstruction
Surgical: vagotomy, fundoplication, Roux-en-Y of the true effect. More evidence is required before
anastomosis pre-operative carbohydrate loading is unequivocally
Opiates established as beneficial. Pre-operative carbohydrate
Tricyclic antidepressants loading has been incorporated into bundles of care for
Calcium channel blockers
patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery [51]. It
Dopamine agonists
Alpha-2-adrenergic agonists is important to note that studies of oral pre-operative
Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists carbohydrate loading have not typically studied
Muscarinic cholinergic receptor antagonists
Catecholamines patients at risk of slow gastric emptying and presum-
Cyclosporine ably, aspiration [49].
Somatostatin analogues (e.g. octreotide)
Composition of meal ingested
High caloric load Nutritional support
Large lipid component The interpretation of studies that have evaluated sev-
Pregnancy or postpartum state eral days of pre-operative oral or enteral tube feeding
Advanced age or parenteral nutrition is challenging, as different

© 2015 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 11

Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 9–18 Ali Abdelhamid et al. | Peri-operative nutrition

operations, populations and definitions of malnutrition Although the enteral route is generally preferred, a
have been studied and used. limited subgroup of patients with gastrointestinal dys-
Pre-operative nutritional support appears unneces- function (e.g. intestinal obstruction, bowel in disconti-
sary for nourished patients or those with mild to mod- nuity or severe ileus) may benefit from pre-operative
erate malnutrition [28, 52, 53]. International guidelines parenteral nutrition for 7 days [17, 56].
recommend nutritional support for severely malnour-
ished patients 7–14 days before elective major surgery, Immunonutrition
although there is limited evidence supporting any A comprehensive evaluation of peri-operative
specific time period [54]. Severely malnourished immunonutrition can be found elsewhere [62, 63]. In
patients have at least one of the following: weight loss brief, major surgery is associated with immune dysregu-
more than 10–15% within 6 months; BMI less than lation and oxidative stress, that can predispose patients
18.5 kg.m 2; subjective global assessment grade C; or to infection [64]. Enteral or parenteral supplementation
serum albumin below 30 g.l 1 without hepatic or renal with specific nutrients such as arginine, glutamine and
dysfunction [54]. omega-3 fatty acids may modulate inflammation and
The optimal route of pre-operative nutritional sup- upregulate immune responses postoperatively [62]. A
port is also contentious. In general, enteral feeding is recent review included a meta-analysis of trials investi-
preferred [55]. Major limitations to prescription of pre- gating immunonutrition in gastrointestinal surgery and
operative parenteral nutrition include the complications demonstrated reduced postoperative infective complica-
of central line placement, infections, hyperglycaemia tions and hospital length of stay [53]. Other meta-ana-
and refeeding syndrome in malnourished patients [18]. lyses have found reduced hospital length of stay and
These limitations frequently mean that parenteral nutri- reduced infections in patients receiving glutamine [65]
tion requires expensive hospitalisation [56, 57]. or arginine [66] supplementation. However, individual
A number of studies have evaluated the role of studies included in the meta-analyses had methodologi-
pre-operative parenteral nutrition, with varying results. cal flaws, often studying several compounds simultane-
One of the foremost was the Veterans Affairs TPN ously. The short-term benefits of immunonutrition have
Co-operative study [58]. Participants who were previ- mainly been demonstrated in patients undergoing gas-
ously malnourished and scheduled for laparotomy or trointestinal surgery, particularly patients diagnosed with
non-cardiac thoracotomy were randomly allocated to malnutrition or cancer [62]. When administered,
standard care or parenteral nutrition for 7–15 days immunonutrition should be started 5–7 days pre-opera-
before surgery and 3 days after surgery [58]. There tively (500–1000 ml per day) and continued in the post-
was no difference in major complications. However, operative period [54, 55].
infection rates were higher after parenteral nutrition,
although non-infective complications were reduced in During surgery
the severely malnourished subgroup. This may have There are few randomised controlled trials assessing
occurred because of the development of hypergly- intra-operative enteral feeding. Studies are limited to
caemia and the amount and type of lipid administered surgery following burn injury and non-gastrointestinal
[18]. Infection control measures and blood glucose trauma [18]. Following burn injury, the small intestine
management may reduce infections associated with can be fed during surgery, which reduces cumulative
parenteral nutrition [59, 60]. A subsequent meta-analy- calorie deficits and does not appear to increase the risk
sis of 26 randomised trials reported reduced complica- of aspiration of gastric contents [67]. Intra-operative
tion rates when parenteral nutrition was commenced enteral nutrition, except during surgery on the airway
pre-operatively, particularly in malnourished patients, or gastrointestinal tract, can shorten the duration of
without effect on mortality [61]. fasting in mechanically ventilated critically ill patients,
In summary, in the absence of substantial malnu- in whom the lungs are ostensibly protected by tracheal
trition, there is no evidence to support delaying sur- intubation. The safety of this technique and its effects
gery to institute nutritional support pre-operatively. on outcomes need to be researched.

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After surgery plementing enteral nutrition with parenteral nutrition,

Optimising nutrient delivery although most studies have been small and retrospec-
Following uncomplicated abdominal surgery, the myo- tive [57]. Moderately and severely malnourished
electric function of the stomach returns to relatively patients have not been specifically studied.
normal patterns within 24–48 h, the small bowel While the optimal caloric load for the hyperme-
within 12–24 h and the colon within 48–72 h [5]. Sev- tabolic patient is controversial, 20–30 1
eral studies have now reported that resumption of oral is considered safe [24]. Estimated requirements are 3–
or enteral nutrition within 24 h of surgery is well 6 1.min 1 carbohydrate and 1.25–2.00 1.-
tolerated and safe, and does not increase rates of anas- day 1 protein. Lipids should comprise 10–25% of total
tomotic dehiscence or postoperative ileus [68–71]. Ear- calories [76]. There have been a few studies examining
lier feeding is associated with reduced infectious the concept of permissive underfeeding in patients
complications [70], improved wound healing [72], res- requiring short-term nutritional support [77]. How-
olution of ileus [68] and reduced length of stay [68, ever, it is difficult to draw definite conclusions from
70]. Following an uncomplicated operation, patients these studies because of clinical heterogeneity and dif-
should eat as soon as they can tolerate food, ideally fering outcomes.
within 24 h [39]. The rate of successful feeding within
6–24 h of surgery ranges from 75% to 95%, with early Specific patient groups
initiation of feeding associated with improved feed tol- The critically ill
erance [5]. Table 2 lists the interventions that increase Critically ill surgical patients often do not receive ade-
the chance of successful postoperative feeding [5, 33, quate nutrition [5], although only two specific situa-
41, 73]. Peri-operative bundles of care, such as the tions arise where concerns about the safety of enteral
enhanced recovery protocols, may improve patients’ nutrition may be valid, namely for patients receiving
nutrition and metabolic state [74]. vasopressor drugs and those with laparostomies.
Feeding practices are particularly heterogeneous
Postoperative nutritional support for critically ill patients receiving vasopressor drugs
Enteral nutrition is generally preferred, with parenteral [78], for whom there is little evidence on when to start
nutrition reserved for patients who cannot otherwise enteral feeding. The rationale for avoiding enteral
meet their caloric requirements within 7–10 days of an nutrition is that it might exacerbate subclinical gut
operation [56, 75]. Parenteral nutrition may be started ischaemia in patients receiving vasoconstrictor agents.
earlier for patients with high output enterocutaneous However, in health, mesenteric artery blood, flow
fistulae, partly obstructing gastro-intestinal lesions, sev- increases with nutrient load [79, 80], as it does in the
ere ileus, intestinal ischaemia or bowel in discontinuity critically ill, albeit to a lesser extent [81]. Retrospective
[54, 56]. In general, there is no proven benefit in sup- observational data have suggested that enteral feeding
during shock is safe and may be associated with
Table 2 Strategies used to reduce postoperative gas- reduced mortality [82]. A recent large multicentre
trointestinal dysmotility and increase success of post- cohort study conducted in France reported that nutri-
operative enteral feeding. tion within 48 h of intubation in shocked patients was
associated with reduced mortality, irrespective of the
Correction of pH imbalance
route of feeding [83]. Similarly, enteral nutrition does
Correction of electrolyte abnormalities (especially
potassium and magnesium) not appear to delay closure of laparostomies and has
Limiting excessive fluid administration been associated with a reduction in the frequency of
Minimisation of exogenous opiates
Optimisation of glycaemic control to avoid both fistulae formation and pneumonia [84, 85].
hyperglycaemia-induced slowing of gastric emptying There is conflicting evidence about the optimal
Early institution of enteral feeding
amount of energy that should be administered to criti-
Use of prokinetic medications to treat established feed
intolerance cally ill patients. International guidelines recommend a
daily energy intake of 25 1 of body weight for

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Anaesthesia 2016, 71 (Suppl. 1), 9–18 Ali Abdelhamid et al. | Peri-operative nutrition

critically ill patients, including 1.0–1.5 1 of pro- tion for micronutrient deficiency may be of benefit. For
tein per day [86]. There has been recent interest in the example, patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gas-
concept of hypocaloric feeding, based upon the ratio- trectomy can be deficient in vitamin D, iron, thiamine
nale that anorexia associated with critical illness may and vitamin B12 [93].
be protective and that supply of nutrients during criti- Postoperative nutrition should contain enough pro-
cal illness may induce a pro-inflammatory state that tein to minimise muscle loss and aid wound healing and
worsens the patient’s condition [24]. A large ran- should contain enough calories to prevent severe keto-
domised open-label study compared full enteral feed- acidosis [92]. However, what constitutes ‘enough’ is
ing (~1300 1) with low-dose ‘trophic’ feeding unknown. Preliminary data suggest that glucose targets
(~400 1) for the first 6 days of mechanical in the critically ill should be adjusted to account for peri-
ventilation in a previously well-nourished population ods of pre-morbid hyperglycaemia, which may be rele-
with acute lung injury. Reduced calories did not vant in the obese patient [94, 95]. High-protein
increase ventilator-free days (the primary outcome) hypocaloric feeding of critically ill obese patients has
[87]. It is important to note that this study was been evaluated with the aim of allowing fat stores to be
designed to test whether intentional underfeeding was utilised for energy and sparing muscle protein from
superior to full-feeding and these data cannot be used excessive catabolism [96, 97]. Suggested caloric require-
to prove non-inferiority or equivalence of low-dose ments for this group of patients are 22–25 1
feeding. The benefits and safety of hypocaloric feeding ideal body weight per day (or 11–14 1 actual
are yet to be proven in prospective randomised trials, body weight per day) with 2 1 per day of protein,
in which, it would be important to consider whether but the evidence upon which the recommendation is
enterally fed critically ill patients experience worse out- based is weak [96].
comes when they fail to achieve their caloric goals
[88–90]. Random allocation of 112 critically ill patients The elderly
to 1.0 1 or 1.5 1 enteral nutrition in a Ageing is associated with a reduction in lean body
recent feasibility study suggested that a larger study mass, increase in body fat, decrease in total body water
might detect lower mortality in the group that received and a reduction in bone density [21]. Advanced age is
the most calories (~1800 1) [91]. Based on independently associated with poor nutritional status
these observations, more data are required to deter- in hospitalised patients [98]. Deficiencies of vitamins
mine the optimal amounts of calorie required, but B6, B12, C, D, folate and calcium are prevalent in this
there is insufficient evidence to support clinicians group [21, 99]. Elderly patients who have experienced
administering less than 50% of the energy that is rec- ≥ 10% weight loss in the previous 6 months, or who
ommended in current guidelines. are hypoalbuminaemic, experience more adverse post-
operative outcomes [98]. Peri-operative nutritional
The obese support is indicated in malnourished elderly patients,
Despite a considerable fat store, obese patients are at who are not in a terminal phase of illness, and the ent-
risk of loss of lean body mass through gluconeogenesis eral route is preferred [100]. Although the evidence is
and micronutrient deficiency during times of acute limited, nutritional supplementation may reduce mor-
stress [92]. Fasting insulin concentrations are increased, bidity in elderly patients who suffer a hip fracture
which suppress lipid mobilisation from stores and result [101] or who undergo total hip or total knee arthro-
in accelerated protein breakdown to fuel gluconeogene- plasty [102].
sis [21]. These risks may be increased because of an
incorrect assumption that obese patients have a greater Conclusion
‘nutritional reserve’ than non-obese patients [92]. Obese Attention to peri-operative nutrition, particularly for
patients may benefit from pre-operative dietary optimi- patients who are moderately or severely malnourished,
sation and education before major elective surgery, but critically ill, obese or elderly, has the capacity to
this is as yet unexplored. Screening and supplementa- improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

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