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Joy 的滿分作⽂卡 (1) 比賽失常記 Class : ______ Name : _____________ No.


A. 寫作重點 C. 有些字其實不這樣⽤: D. 原來這個可以這樣說:

1. highlight : 描述上台緊張的情緒以及 1. 參加 : 1. ______ _______ ________ ______
如何化解/發展,主角站在台上看到的 (a) attend a party / wedding / a meeting singing 學會唱歌

景象,以及內⼼的情緒波動。 (b) participate in / take part in school 2. The singing contest ____________ her
activities _________. 唱歌比賽佔據了她的⼼思
2. 結局 : (a) Surprising Ending :
(c) join a dance club / the army 3. sing ___________ __________ the music
有創意,但仍須在常⼈可理解的範圍 (d) sign up / r__________ for a yoga class 跟著⾳樂唱
(b) Learn a Lesson : (e) e___________ a singing competition sing _______ the _______ 跟著節奏唱
主角經過整件事情的⼼路歷程。 2. 終於 : finally, in the end 4. have no _________ of __________
B. Spelling Errors: (a) After auditioning for twenty times, Lisa
have trouble __________ the high ________
請把你拼錯的字 (包括動詞三態) 寫在這裡! _______________ had the opportunity to
sing onstage.
Her voice ____________. 她破⾳了
(b) Two days before, she was still hesitating
________ her voice 感冒失聲
whether to enter the contest, and _________
5. Her _________ _________ ___________
________ she decided to give it a try.
3. cheer
6. _______ / _______ first _______ 得第⼀名
(a) The audience cheers for the team. = ___________ ________ first __________
(b) She went shopping to cheer herself up.

E. 台灣學⽣常犯的英⽂錯誤: 8. 連接詞? F. Learn from Mistakes:

1. rise / raise my hand e.g (1) Several days passed, 請挑 3~5 個以上你在這次作⽂上犯的重點錯

she received a letter from school. 誤,把筆記寫在這裡。

2. work hardly / hard
e.g (2) One of them showed an interesting
3. 可數 / 不可數 video to me, it really inspired me.
e.g (1) a news
e.g (2) an advice e.g (3) She felt nervous and trembling.

4. 詞性混淆:relief her nervous e.g (4) Though she felt nervous, but she
sang well.
5. 有:There are many participants
performed amazingly. e.g (5) The girl who named Lisa had a
passion for singing.
6. She felt surprising / surprised .

e.g (6) After signed up for the contest, …

7. She practiced everyday / every day.

G. 學學⼈家 (315 郭品伶)

Since childhood, singing had been Sharon’s favorite pastime. The beautiful melody and touching lyrics always lifted her spirits.
She even had a dream of becoming a famous singer in order to bring joy to people. One day at school, her teacher announced the
news of a singing competition. Without hesitation, she raised her hand to seize the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
She was convinced that this would bring her one step closer to her dream. After going home, she searched the singing videos on the
Internet. She imitated the singers’ voices, postures, and even facial expressions for the purpose of giving the best performance. With
her headphones on, she sang along with the singer. She practiced hard every day to overcome stage fright. After all, it was her first
time to sing on a real stage. The experience might be quite different from singing in front her family and friends.
Time flew, and it was the contest day. She dressed up herself in a gorgeous dress and did her hair. It was her turn finally.
Breathing deeply, she plucked up the courage to go onto the stage with a microphone squeezed hard in her hand. Even with several
days of practice, the strict judges still terrified her. As all eyes were fixed on her, her mind went completely blank. She was so
nervous that she forgot most of the lyrics. In the end, she didn’t win the prize. But Sharon didn’t lose faith in herself. Instead, she
thought that she had learned a lot in the experience. Despite knowing that it was still a long way to go, she won’t give up pursuing
her dream.
Rewrite your composition!


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