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Scorpion Electro Systems –

Sage Financial Forecasting Case Study

Scorpion Automotive is a big worldwide
brand, which has for many years been
“ I acquired the brand two years ago and since then
associated with quality innovative I’ve expanded the product range quite considerably.
products supplies into the automotive
industry. Particular in the past the brand We now have a complete range of cellular
has been associated with security
products, alarms, immobilisers. communications’ accessories for mobile phone in-car
Managing Director, Mark Downing
comments on the changes he has
kits, MP3 player products and newly developed stolen
made since acquiring the brand in vehicle recovery tracking systems. The company has
January 2005.
doubled in size since I acquired it and, as a result of
that, the pressures on me and my staff have been
great. One of the most important things to me is
financial forecasting, but using Sage-Forecasting
products I’ve actually been able to control my
business during this growth period.”
Mark Downing, Managing Director, Scorpion Electro Systems

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In fact, Mark considers forecasting Indeed the biggest change for me is to “Once it is set up the work doesn’t have to
throughout the business to be one of keep the forecast current because it’s be repeated, instead the computer then
the most important functions. linked via hundreds if not thousands of does the work for you and all that you
hot links to Line 50 and also to Excel. need to do to update another month.
“We have to know where we’re going as
I’m able to make the computer do the Every time I run the forecast and roll
a business and what the implications
work and update every month as part of forward a month then I’ve got extremely
are, especially the financial implications
my monthly routine the opening position accurate and readily available data that
of our strategy and the plans that we’ve
for my forecast. I can also make a few enables me to run the business.”
laid down” he comments.
small changes to the actual forecast
What would Mark consider to be the
Before using Sage Financial Forecasting, sales or purchases given the
main benefits of Sage Financial
Mark used simple spreadsheets, but opportunities that may have come
Forecasting over Excel?
found them time consuming. along, and run a new cash flow and l
forecast for the coming 12 months “I don’t really think that there is any
“More recently I’ve used Sage
based on that new opening position.“ comparison. Excel works in harmony
Winforcasting which was a stand alone
with Sage Financial Forecasting in that
product at that time and it was very good This is a great advantage when you
the reports can output to Excel or Sage
but it didn’t have the benefit of being consider that other methods can often
Financial Forecasting and can use
integrated with actual data from my Sage be more laborious with results that can
Excel as an input method for inputting
Line 50. Prior to using Sage Financial very quickly become out of date.
the actual forecast data. If somebody
Forecasting it was a major task to update
Using Sage Financial Forecasting as a wanted to create a simple spreadsheet
a forecast, I could create a forecast in a
basic tool, Mark has been able to grow his then ok, they can do that but the degree
couple of days from scratch producing an
business, watch it expand and remain of sophistication and potential for your
opening balance sheet position and
successful. A key element of this is the business, using Sage Financial
inputting all the forecast data, but it very
company’s relationship with the bank and Forecasting is simply much much
quickly becomes out of date. The beauty
with financial backers of the business. greater.”
of Sage Financial Forecasting for me is the
dynamic nature of the product which “The ability we have now to produce “Would I recommend Sage
enables me to keep the forecast up to date timely information means I can talk with Financial Forecasting to others?
on a month by month basis. “ the bank about funding requirements
I would say that if there is one thing that a
that are coming up in the near future.
In looking at how forecasting for his small business must have it is some form
Because of the growth that we are
business has changed now that of financial forecasting package. I have
experiencing and the opportunities that
Mark uses Sage Financial tried several, the best system that I’ve
are coming through this really gives me
Forecasting he comments ever come across is the one that I’m now
an opportunity to plan properly and
using therefore I can recommend it
“I place a very high priority on forecasting. always be able to arrange the
unreservedly to anyone who wants to get
It’s absolutely essential to this company funding requirements that the
their business under control.”
that I know at all times what is coming up business needs, without any drama.”
in the next few months, especially in terms Mark Downing, Managing Director -
The ability to link Sage Financial
of funding requirements based on my plan, Scorpion Electro Systems.
Forecasting to Sage Line 50 or other
which is updated all the time given current
Sage Accounting packages and Excel,
events and new opportunities.
and to create reports that are
compatible with Excel, is very powerful.

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