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Carlo B.

Baja CPE 507 / CPE52FC1

Activity 09 - Advanced Shell Scripting ()

Description : Open the terminal in the unix-based operating system.

Description : The use of if program allows the user to prove whether the condition is
true with the display value of ls -l command.
Description : The use of if-else program allows the user to prove whether the condition
is true or not and with display value of the ls -l command.

Description : The use of if-else test program allows the user to test whether the
condition is true or not.
Description : The use of for-loop program allows the user to loop and display all the file
that have sh in file extension.

Description : The use of the while - loop program allows the user to display the user
input infinitely while it is true.
Summary : In summary, I learn how to program different condition in text file.
Observation : I observed that some of the condition base whether the user condition is
true or not and you can loop it infinitely.
Conclusion : Therefore, I conclude that you can use different condition program for
reasoning base on the user input.
Recommendation : I recommend it for those programmers that their program need to
communicate to the user.
Lessons learned : I learn how to use if, if-else, while and for-loop which base whether
the user condition is true or false.

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