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RESTAURANT EATING Yes. No alcohol for now. I understand
Pasta, rice, potato should all be substituted
for steamed vegetables. Asparagus or it there are many drinks with 0 grams of
can be a bed of greens like arugula or carbohydrates such as vodka, but we are
going to avoid this for now. You can do
spinach are strongly preferred NO DAIRY anything for 7 days, right? Pinky promise
Avoid veggies like carrots, corn, bell we will reintroduce them later on
peppers, peas, and tomatoes as they tend
to have a higher sugar content People always get a little mad at me here,
Pass on the bread basket, always but we will be taking a short break from
Swap salad dressings for olive oil and
cheese, yoghurt, milk (for now, I promise). ALWAYS PAIR
vinegar Most forms of dairy are inflammatory and WITH A FAT
cause a lot of mucous as a byproduct of
Swap out fruits or dried fruits in salads for digesting them. So we will be giving your
avocado, or bacon Olive oil in your dressing, extra avocado
digestive tract a likely much needed break in your salads, veggies with butter. You
No artifical sweetners such as aspartame from dairy to allow your gut to heal get the picture
or sucralose This includes whey protein powders, too


My strong recommendation is to make your Steaks: Choose filet mignon, New York Bring powdered bulletproof coffee
own bulletproof coffee at home, but if this is striploin, or Rib-eye. These are the fattiest packets with you.
not available to you, an americano with kind of steaks. More generally, wild meats Bring non perishable items like:
unsweetened almond or coconut milk from (boar, buffalo, elk, venison) are good - Macadamia nuts
your local barista will do nicely. Ask the coffee choices, too
shop to make sure it is unsweetened (and no - Canned sardines
Poultry: chicken liver, duck, and darker
added chemicals you cannot pronounce) - 90% or 100% dark chocolate
meat choices like chicken thighs
If you are a super keener, keep some MCT or - Seaweed snacks
Fish/Shellfish: Anchovies, Salmon,
coconut oil at your desk and add it to your sardines, halibut, herring, mackerel, Bring other travel friendly snacks like:
drink oysters,scallops, snails are all awesome - Celery sticks, cucumber slices,
There are more and more butter coffee choices (esp when paired with butter!) asparagus, avocado, sliced mushrooms
options available in forward thinking cafes Pork: bacon is always a yes, and fattier - Fat bombs
now, too cuts like short ribs - Portions of coconut oil

ITALIAN: Is usually super easy - Italian restos usually AMERICAN: Fatty meat options (discussed above)
have chicken and veal options. Swap all dressings BREAKFAST: Eggs, bacon, avocado. Now are great. Sub out the dried fruits in salads, and
with olive and plan vinegar. Watch for gravies as wasn’t that easy? dressing is olive oil and vinegar (not balsamic as
THEY usually have flour in them. Antipasto options they often add sugar, just plain old vinegar)
like olives, pickles, are excellent as well. BURGER JOINTS / WING JOINTS: Make sure
SUSHI: Pretty much anything without rice.
the burgers are in fact, made with all meat,
STEAKHOUSES: Also very easy- choices like fatty Sashimi errthing.
and no fillers like oats or wheat germ). Swap
steak (like mignon or rib eye), asparagus, steamed bread for a lettuce wrap. Wings are often MEXICAN: Most dishes without tortillas, rice, or
spinach on the side. Confirm the bearnaise sauce marinated in sugar, and breaded in flour - beans. Go big on the guacamole or go home.
has no flour or sugar. generally to be avoided. Sub the nachos that usually accompany it with
9. Gently break
f a s tin g ch e c kl is t your fast
with Dr.Stephanie Estima With a light snack 30 minutes before eating.
My favourite go tos are a handful of nuts,
sauerkraut, or seaweed.

1. Know your why ? 5. Give yourself 10. Don’t binge


time to adapt
Starting your fast by outlining some of your goals. Is it When you first break your fast. As tempting as this may
to feel better? Have more energy? Reduce brain fog? be to eat a huge meal, try to resist this urge. Just pretend
Lose weight? Do something to allow you to heal? like it never happened. Pretend like you have been
The first attempts at fasting will be challenging and difficult. eating the whole time - which is technically correct -
Define why you are doing this, and why you are worth This is NORMAL and to be expected. Your body needs you’re body has been feasting on excess stored fat on
investing your time into. time to adapt to using fat as fuel. your body the whole time

2. Have a tall 6. Water up 11. Eat mindfully

glass of warm water You will need to consume extra water during your fasting
hours. Have a cup of water beside your desk and keep it
full! Aim to drink at least 4L per day daily.
Most of us inhale our food, barely even chewing it!
Try to chew your food on both sides of your mouth -
this will help you pre digest your food, reducing gas
When you first wake up. I love to add in a squeeze of and bloating, and help your body absorb the most
lemon, or lime. nutrients it can.

3. Wait for the 7.Stay busy 12. Check in


longest possible time The easiest days to fast is during the workweek when
you have a set schedule. Most people eat out of
boredom. Skip breakfast one day and, as you can stretch
with yourself
Before consuming your first meal. Aim to increase your 1st meal into the afternoon, try skipping breakfast Eat slowly, and stop eating when you are full.
this by 15 minutes each day. and lunch for a 24 hour fast. Then you can enjoy dinner Become more connected with how you feel
with your family or friends in the evening. during and after eating.

4. Slowly aim to 8.Don’t tell anyone 13.Most importantly


Reduce your eating window to 8 hours.

what you’re doing – make it fit your
Myths around fasting are outrageous and they are
everywhere. Friends, and well meaning family will
try to sabotage your efforts.
lifestyle and not the other way around!

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