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Here are the questions we would like to ask you Sir/Mam.

1. Sir/Mam, do you tend to prioritize hiring applicants who are living at the same area where the
company located?
2. Could you please share with us your company policies / criteria in choosing your employees?
3. May we know how do you manage your employees to become more prospective efficient and
4. A side from being a successful HRMA supervisor, what other goals do you want to attain ?
5. Does your company compete with other companies in terms of productions or sales?
6. Could you please share us on how you train and ensure that your employees are knowledge
about their job?
7. Can you please share us what kind of actions do you take when there are employees who are
raising their concerns about their salary, task and inconsiderate employer?
8. Why do you think is there a need to enhance organizational success? What for?
9. What techniques, idea or advice can you share to us as a future businessman in managing a
business to become a successful company like this, in managing an efficient HR department ?
10. Do you also offer training and seminars for new and old employees?

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