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Honda Motor Company limited is perhaps best known as an

automaker it is the third largest automaker but the company has its roots

in motorcycles, and is the world’s top motorcycle manufacturer.

Maintaining a global view points, we are dedicated to supplying

products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price for World Wide

Customer satisfaction.

Honda has a very tall structure inside of their organization. Honda

tries to spread the control of their organization evenly over all of their

departments. Honda feels that no one department should have enough

power to run the company. The executive council is at the top of Hondas

organizational structure. The council supervises the company and the

direction that it is going and makes sure that the company stays on track

with the overall vision of the company. The decisions the council makes

are trying to maintain that the company keep making a high quality
product and keep innovating without growing too much to become too


The main goal of Honda is to make a good high quality product

that people think gives them safety and comfort. This is what the council

bases every decision off of. Honda also has a good horizontal lay out of

their organization. They have the motorcycle operations, automobile

operations, power products operations, customer service operations,

production operations, purchasing operations, business support

operations, and business management operations. These are laid out so

that there is very little distance between top management and the lower

level employees. Honda does a very good job with their organization, on

making sure that everything is ran as planned and that nothing gets out

of line with the way that it is suppose to be. Honda is also a very

centralized organization, with several layers of management that control

the company by maintaining a high level of authority, which is the

power to make decisions concerning business activities.

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