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Maria Bevielen P.



October 15, 2019

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the basic ethical issues to consider when sharing personal information in social

One of the most prevalent issues nowadays are related to the spreading of identity thef
problems, receiving false information and disseminating fake news. We must not take
everything in social media just the way it is. We must learn how to filter and process first the
information or data we get before believing in it. And at the same time we must be cautious in
giving away information specially if it is personally significant and connected to our identity.
Other people might take advantange of our personal data and in worst cases, it might be used in
illegal or immoral acts that would lead to a very serious problem.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Data Privacy Act of 2012.

The main advantage of this is that it protect our rights when it comes to communication and it
ensures free flow of information among us individuals. It protects us from invasion of our
privacy and personal space. It helps us live a peaceful life and it keeps us secured from fraud
and deceiving intention of other people. On the other side, its disadvantage is somehow
connected with the fact that our ability to utilize social media and express everything we want is
limited. This law serves as a aboundary or a marker that tells us upto what extent we can freely
express ourselves.

3. Explain why privacy and confidentiality Matter in one's life.

Privacy mainly refers to the state or condition of being free or free from unwanted disturbance
while confidentiality is keeping something a secret or private. These two are very importance
because helps in building somebody's trust. Also, it imposes a boundary on the amount the
amount of personal information and data that should be disclosed. They also allow us to
negotiate only to those who we want to interact with in this world full of people, who we aren't
sure are worthy of our trust and attention.

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