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Title : Solution of Vaexjoe Government to Create Green City

Name : Kevin
NPM : 1706064694
Publication Data :

This concept map is used to explain the action conducted by the Vaexjoe Government
in order to realize the green city plan by reducing the carbon emission. Firstly, the government
plan this policy 19990 by doing the organic agriculture, reducing the paper usage, and change
the society habit into using public transportation or bicycle to reduce the emission. One of the
steps conducted by government is also positive house. It is proposed Ryan Provencher. This
device is featured by saving-energy facility and photovoltaic cell. On the next twenty years,
the government is going to reduce half of the emission. In 2030, government along with society
will fully leave the usage of fossil fuel.

Currently, government will used to change the fuel with tree bark, spruce, and moss. It
is conducted by using power plant in 1970. It works by burn the waste of forestry industry. The
change of the fuel is also leftover by Georan Lindbald (an eco-Restaurant owner). He is
supplying the fuel of biogas bus. The other action is cleaning the lake. It is conducted in 1960
due to the enlarging the city and it is polluted by the waste of cloth industry. Nevertheless, this
program faces some obstacle. One of them is 60% of the society are riding car due to the
alternative fuel is easy to be obtained and the lower cost of the fossil fuel.

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