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Finding Extreme Point of One-Variable Function Using Derivative

Arranged By :
Name : Gilang Prambudi
Muhammad Rizky Perdana
Toyib Nurseha
Subject : Calculus 2
Lecture : Dr. Ir. Marzuki Silalahi M.T



The derivative of a function of a real variable measures the sensitivity to change of the function
value (output value) with respect to a change in its argument (input value). Derivatives are a
fundamental tool of calculus. For example, the derivative of the position of a moving object with
respect to time is the object's velocity: this measures how quickly the position of the object changes
when time advances.

The derivative of a function of a single variable at a chosen input value, when it exists, is
the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at that point. The tangent line is the
best linear approximation of the function near that input value. For this reason, the derivative is
often described as the "instantaneous rate of change", the ratio of the instantaneous change in the
dependent variable to that of the independent variable.

In a function, single and double derivative is useful to find the extreme point of a function. The key
Is to find the points which value are 0 at the first derivative. As it indicate the zero slope or rate of
change. (Munkres & Spivak, 1968)

Derivative is the instantaneous change of function at given point, it is also called as the slope of the
function at certain point or rate of change at given point. The basic of derivative is to find the
differentiation of the smallest possible point. Derivative is one of the fundamental in calculus,
alongside with integration. This manuscript will describe the way to find the absolute minimum and
maximum point of function in interval using first and second derivative, aided by the graphical
representation of function, GNU Octave, software featuring a high-level programming language,
primarily intended for numerical computations.

Extreme Point
Extreme point is the point in function where it has the largest or smallest value in a function.
Extreme point is the point in a function where it exceed the zero slope or when the value of the first
derivative is 0 (f’ = 0), extreme point can be categorized as two types, minimum point and
maximum point. Minimum point (plural : minima) is where the value of function is the lowest and
maximum point (plural : maxima) is where the value of function is the highest.
Derivation to Find One-Variable Function Extreme Point

To find the extreme point in one-variable function, the steps are first to get the value of which f’(x)
= 0 (derivative of f is 0) and determined which extreme point it is by evaluation f’’(x). The rules are
as follow:

In this case, for the sake of simplicity, let the function be :

With interval of : -4 < x < 4

Octave :

>> ezplot("2*x^2", [-3, 3])

And then, find the first derivative of the function


>> diff("2*2*x^2", x, 1)
ans = (sym) 4⋅x

After that, do equation on f ‘ (x) = 0

>> solve(4*x == 0, x)
ans = (sym) 0

It indicates that the extreme point is when x is 0. In which y = 0. Now determine what extreme
point it is
f’’(x) = 4
f’’(0) = 4
It is minimum point
To draw the tangent line touching the extreme point, use the formula below:

Octave :

x = [-10:10];
y = 2*x.^2;
tx = [-10:10];
ty = 0;
plot(x, y, 'g', tx, ty, 'r')
Notice the red line, it is the tangent line which intersect with the extreme point.

Now, to try a more complex function, given a function

With interval of

x = [-2.0:.01:2.0];
f(x) = y = 3*x+sin(8*x)+23
plot(x, y, 'g')
And then, find the fist derivative of the function

To get the equation of where extreme point lies, it needs the derivative of 0 (slope = 0) in which we
get the equation:
Which the equation then:

Can be inferred from the first derivative above, there will be multiple critical points, the only way to
find the global minimum and maximum point, is it must be be calculated by plugging in some n’s
into the formula within the interval. Let us assume that n start with -3 to 3

1. n = -3
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(-3) = -2.1106 (Out of interval)
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(-3) = -2.5994 (Out of interval)
2. n = -2
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(-2) = -1.3256
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(-2) = -1.8144
3. n = -1
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(-1) = -0.54061
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(-1) = -1.0294
4. n = 0
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(0) = 0.24439
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(0) = -0.24439
5. n = 1
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(1) = 1.0294
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(1) = 0.54061
6. n = 2
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(2) = 1.8144
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(2) = 1.3256
7. n = 3
a) 0.24439 + 0.785*(3) = 2.5994 (Out of interval)
b) -0.24439 + 0.785*(3) = 2.1106 (Out of interval)
After that, insert the values into the function, to get the y value, the least and largest y value will be
evaluated to find for global minimum and maximum.

1. F (-1.3256) = 3*-1.3256 + sin(8*-1.3256)+23 = 19.948

2. F (-1.8144) = 3*-1.8144 + sin(8*-1.8144)+23 = 16.627 (Minimum)
3. F (-0.54061) = 3*-0.54061 + sin(8*-0.54061)+23 = 22.304
4. F (-1.0294) = 3*-1.0294 + sin(8*-1.8144)+23 = 18.982
5. F (-0.24439) = 3*-0.24439+ sin(8*-0.24439)+23 = 21.340
6. F (024439) = 3*0.24439+ sin(8*0.24439)+23 = 24.660
7. F (1.0294) = 3*1.0294+ sin(8*1.0294)+23 = 27.016
8. F (0.54061) = 3*0.54061+ sin(8*0.54061)+23 = 23.696
9. F (1.8144) = 3*1.8144+ sin(8*1.8144)+23 = 29.373 (Maximum)
10. F (1.3256) = 3*1.3256+ sin(8*1.3256)+23 = 26.052

Then, we get the global maximum (largest) and minimum (smallest) value, those are:
Maximum :x = 1.8144, y= 29.373
Minimum :x = -1.8144, y= 16.627

The last is to draw tangent line, the formula will be

for Maximum Extreme Point

For Minimum Extreme Point

Then, to draw the tangent line in Octave:

x = [-2.0:.01:2.0];
y = 3*x+sin(8*x)+23;
tangent_min = 16.627
tangent_max = 29.373
plot(x, y, 'g', x, tangent_min, 'r', x, tangent_max, 'r')

1. Spivak, Michael. Intro to Calculus, 1965, Publish or Perish Inc, Texas: Houston

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