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String Assignment

1. Return maximum occurring character in the input string e.g., if input string is “test” then
function should return ‘t’.
2. Print all the duplicates and their counts in the input string.
3. Remove all duplicates from a given string
4. Given a string, find the first non-repeating character in it. For example, if the input string is
“GeeksforGeeks”, then output should be ‘f’ and if input string is “GeeksQuiz”, then output
should be ‘G’.
5. Given three strings A, B and C. Write a function that checks whether C is an interleaving of A
and B. C is said to be interleaving A and B, if it contains all characters of A and B and order of
all characters in individual strings is preserved.
6. Given a string, count number of words in it. The words are separated by following
characters: space (‘ ‘) or new line (‘\n’) or tab (‘\t’) or a combination of these

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