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Grammar is the set of rules that guide us to learn a language. These rules are derived from a refined or
established language. A native speaker does not need to learn these rules rather he gets command the rules
unconsciously or rather spontaneously during the early months of his/her childhood. The word grammar that
you have been listening since the time unknown, comes from Greek meaning "craft of letters,".
Definition: “The systematic study and description of a language is Grammar”.
Hence Grammar is the science of language. Grammar is a set of rules and examples dealing with the
word structures (morphology) and sentence structures (syntax) of a language.
Usually a grammar consists of word classes, tenses, sentence structure, punctuation, etc.

Uses of Grammar
According to Sidney Greenbaum and Gerald Nelson:
"There are several applications of grammatical study:
(1) A recognition of grammatical structures is often essential for punctuation;
(2) A study of one's native grammar is helpful when one studies the grammar of a foreign language;

(3) A knowledge of grammar is a help in the interpretation of literary as well as nonliterary texts, since the
interpretation of a passage sometimes depends crucially on grammatical analysis;
(4) A study of the grammatical resources of English is useful in composition: in particular, it can help you to
evaluate the choices available to you when you come to revise an earlier written draft." (2nd ed. Pearson,

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