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The 7.04*10^8 is the half life time

This formula is for finding the total time

total time
1/2 life time
final mass = initial mass(1/2)

- Miller Urey predicted that early earth had hydrogen containing gases
Closed system
Gased combined: Methane, Ammonia, Hdrogen gas, Water vapor
Amino Acids, Fatty acids and other hydrocarbons
The experiment showed that organic compunds can form inorganic molecules

With a lack of an ozone layer, the ammonia and methane would have been destroyed by
the ultraviolet radiation
There was no oxygen until Cyanobacteria underwent photosynthesis and released
oxygen into the air.
-RNA can be formed spontaneously in water
RNA can act as catalysts. Ribozyme
RNA is self-replicating

An organisms remian must be buried in order to become a fossil

Size and structure

Genetic material

Hutton- Gradualism
Curvier and Lyell- fossils
Malthus-Organisms reproduce more than can survive

Evidence for Evolution: Paleontology. Biogeography, Embryology, Biochemistry,

Comparitive anatomy

Examine fossils and compare to modern day organisms

Distribution of species
Unrelated species in different regions of the world resemble one another in similar

Phylogeny (Developmental Similarities)

Darwin called survival the ability to reproduce in its speciifc environment fitness

Macro and micro both invole changes in allele frequencies in gene pools

Parallel Evolution- When two different species descended from a common ancestor and
developed the same trait
Coevolution-unrelated species become similar as they adapt to similar environments

The formual for trying to find the half life time is here-

25 100
---- === -------(1/2) to the power of 11460/X
100 100

ln(.25) = 11460/X to the power of ln(.5)

---------- ===== 2

2X = 11460

Directional: one phenotype is favored in the environment

Stabilizing: organisms with extreme phenotypes are eliminated
Disruptive: organisms with common traits are eliminated, extremes are favored
Artificial: a breeder (HUMAN) chooses which traits to favor

Allopatric Speciation
Definition: new species evolves as a result of geographic isolation

Sympatric Speciation
Definition: new species evolves from single ancestor while living in same
geographic niche (organism�s �place� in ecosystem)

Parapatric Speciation
Definition: new species evolves as a result of partial geographic isolation as a
result of occupying a new/different niche

Geographic Isolation
When a population is divided into two or more smaller populations due to PHYSICAL

Behaviorial Isolation
Two species do not mate because of differences in courtship behavior.

Postzygotic Isolation
reproductive isolation that occurs after two species have mated

Prezygotic Isolation
reproductive isolation preventing a zygote
Example: geographic, behavioral, mechanical

Founders effect:
Occurs when a small portion of a population migrates to a new location and starts a
new population.

Gene pool is the summation of all alleles in a population

Genetic drift
Geographic isolation

All are factors that can change genetic equilibrium

Rapid speciation:
new species filling new niches,
because they inherited
successful adaptations.

Bottleneck effect
Occurs when there was geographic isolation that is removed, allowing two now
differentiated populations to merge together.

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