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Aakash Reddy

Ms. Sappington

Supplemental notes #2

25 September 2018


I. There are two main types of cells, prokaryotic and eukaryotic. Prokaryotes are cells
that do not have membrane bound nuclei, whereas eukaryotes do.

A. Prokaryotic Cells have also been alive since eukaryotic cells, making Prokaryotic
cells the oldest type of cell known to date.

B. Eukaryotic Cells are also more commonly found in multicellular organism such as
plants or animals, while Prokaryotic cells are more commonly Found in single
celled organisms such as bacteria.

II. Our DNA has the blueprints for every protein in our body, all packaged into a neat
double helix.

III. The processes to transform DNA into proteins are known as transcription and
translation and happen in different compartments within the cell.
A. The first step, transcription, happens in the nucleus, which holds our DNA.

B. A membrane called the nuclear envelope surrounds the nucleus, and its job is to
create a room within the cell to both protect the genetic information and to house
all the molecules that are involved with protecting the cell

IV. Though part of the function of the nucleus is to separate the DNA from the rest of the
cell, molecules must still be able to move in and out
A. For Example like RNA
V. Different molecules actually have different fates upon entering the Golgi. This
determination is done by tagging the proteins with special sugar molecules that act as
a shipping label for the protein. The shipping department identifies the molecule and
sets it on one of 4 paths: Cytosol, cell Membrane, Secretion and Lysosome.

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