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Rosie Mardirossian

Coach Mike

Kinesiology 3

20 October 2019

Overall Reflection
I originally decided to take this course as an extra class to explore different subjects I

may be interested in. I’m not usually interested in fitness or health related topics, but I did enjoy

this class. A lot more goes into Kinesiology than I thought. Kinesiology can have a different

definition for each person, but for me it is the study of movement of a human’s body. It’s about

understanding how a person’s body works in physical activities.

It was interesting to learn about what it takes to work in the field of Kinesiology. When I

think of a career in this field, I think about P.E. teachers in school. However, there are so many

professions to choose from. For instance, therapeutic exercise, coaching, sport management,

teaching physical education, or health and fitness. We also learned about the personality and

commitment a person in this career will need to be successful. It is important for a person joining

this field to love physical activity. This reminds me of the two different types of P.E. teachers I

had in high school. One of my teachers didn’t really care what we did in class. We had the option

to just walk around if we wanted to. My other P.E. teacher had something planned for class every

single day. We would have to run every day and play a sport. At the time, I thought this was

torture. However, now I see that the second P.E. teacher had a passion in what he was teaching.

In this class, we learned about practicing versus training. I can see now that the miles we ran

everyday were only to benefit us and become better at it over time.

In conclusion, I’ve decided a career in Kinesiology isn’t something I want to pursue. I do

think I fit the personality, but I am not committed. I’ve never really enjoyed sports or exercise,
and I don’t think I will start loving it enough to help others in this field. However, it was fun

learning about different things, such as, motor behavior. I will continue to use what I learned in

this class to help others in my daily life.

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