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CNPJ: 26.269.542 / 0001-58- RUA SANTA CATARINA, 15 LOJA B

Bairro: Cidade Praiana - Rio das Ostras – Estado : Rio de Janeiro - País: Brasil - CEP:
28890-080 Número de Telefone : +55 (22) 9 9864 6539 E-MAIL:
- Irlanda – Cidade de Galway


The arbitrator in accepting the delegation of litigants to judge a legal action assumes a compulsory provision perform
immaterial, of “intuito personae” and by "end contract" expressed by the Arbitration Commitment, where a number
of conditions are laid down (such as rules of law, term of sentence, etc.) and must also pay attention to the provisions
of the arbitration law regarding to the instruction and sentencing, also of observation of public order, its sentence
(compulsory) shall not be "citra petita or extra petita", strictly following the matter under dispute.

By the present Particular Instrument of Commitment the candidate to arbitrator, of JANI JUSTIÇA ARBITRAL
NACIONAL E INTERNACIONAL, a private company established at 15 Santa Catarina Street, in the neighborhood of
Cidade Praiana, Rio das Ostras City, Zip Code: 28.890.080, registered under the CNPJ/RF number 26.269.542/001-
58, with the protocol with the Ministry of Justice, STF – Supremo Tribunal Federal (Supreme Federal Court), STJ –
Tribunal Superior de Justiça (Superior Court of Justice), Ministério Público Federal (Federal Public Prosecution
Service), Conselho Federal da OAB – Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Federal Council of OAB – Order of Attorneys
of Brazil), UN United Nations representation in Brasilia, Ministry of Foreign Relations, US Embassy supported by
federal law 9.307/96 of Brazil or Arbitration Law of the country in which there is representation of JANI, this institution
has its international area of performance according to its statute.

Clause One: Commits, arbitrator candidate, to bear the expenses shown in the respective membership form. This
institution may request up to ninety (90) days for execution of analysis and dispatch of the documentation inherent to
the desired qualification. Once issued the document that credence him/ her as Arbitrator, Mediator or Conciliator, the
candidate is able to practice the practices learned in Brazil and abroad, where a number of conditions are laid down:

1st. It is granted by this institution that the amounts paid by hypothesis of its training and / or accreditation process, in
the event of the candidate's withdrawal, provided that the candidate has not completed the training course, may
exercise the right of repentance within a maximum period and not more than 7 (days) running counted from the credit
made the JANI. Such manifestation must obey the rite of request made through letter or electronic mail directed to the

2nd. This institution may after examining the documents presented by the candidate, consider fit to exercise the activity,
those graduated by other national and / or international recognition institutions, he/ she can even choose for taking a
placement test in order to attest the technical capacity in the field.

3rd. This institution shall not be responsible for the misuse of credentials issued by it, in the same way, candidate who
will provide services to JANI, through this article becomes officially communicated of this fault that will not be passive
of reconsiderations. The improper use of the credential may lead the constituted authorities, framing its author into a
crime of ideological falsehood. The use of the credential is directed to identification in the Chamber’s domains or when
requested by recognized authorities from Brazil or abroad.

4th. Once the candidate has officially become a member of JANI, he/she shall not be able to provide services to other
arbitration institutions without the permission of the Executive Board of JANI.
5th. For the services rendered, the Arbitrators, Mediators and Conciliators shall have the right to receive the financial
contributions in accordance with the Fee Schedule. In occasional cases such values, if applicable may be included;
the trip, lodging, meals and transfers.

Clause Two: THE COMMITMENT OF SECRECY: member once accredited, undertakes to keep in absolute secrecy
all information involving processes, people, values, methods, technology, information obtained within the Chamber or
externally disclosed.
Clause Three: Immediately, member accredited in the exercise of his or her actions as a service provider to this
Chamber, obliges to waive equal treatment, indiscriminate, friendly, respectful, courtesy, cooperative and maximum
respect for human diversity in all forms presented to it.

Clause Four: The arbitrator, mediator, conciliator or director must know the terms of the internal regiment, ethic code
and the others regulations that are available permanently.

Clause Five: The arbitrator, mediator, conciliator or director is committed to accomplish his/her obligations in total
conformity and respect by the laws of the Arbitration in each country, inclusive considering the factors of equality. In
International disputes are added the agreements and the additional rules of the institutes with their specializations.

Clause Six: Whenever there is any kind of misconduct, contempt the rules, disrespect or infraction that suggest a
serious misconduct, the Ethics Board will discuss together about the event to deliberate and establish the date, the
day and the schedule to have a private meeting with the protagonist, giving him/ her the opportunity of ample defense.
After that meeting, the Board will gather again in order to analyze the material and evidence that were produced both
as the complaint as the presentation of the defense, It is up to the Board to make a decision about absolution resulting
to the immediate archiving of the register or by the application of administrative penalties, suspension, loss of the right
of exercising the activity temporarily or permanently, also including the request for an Indemnification by the Chamber
for any eventual material damages or by any others sorts of damages caused to the institution.

Clause Seven: The arbitrator shall respect the use of trademark of JANI, as well as to zeal for its name and good
reputation. About the interpersonal relationship is expected a nice behavior, respectful, as ethical and height of the
function that he/ she performs.

Clause Eight: The arbitrator is obliged to never damage directly or indirectly any public or private institution at national
or international level, keeping in mind that by introducing himself/ herself as an active member of this Chamber, his/
her performance and behavior are marked by the documents in the JANI’s internal regiment.

Clause Nine: The effective members of Chamber of Arbitral Justice JANI, working as Arbitrator, Mediator, Conciliator,
are permanently linked to the factor of responsibility to the arbitration procedure, the principles of adversarial, of the
equality of the parties, of the impartiality of the arbitrator and his/ her freedom convincing, just like that it is subject to
the understanding and application, when it is necessary, the items established on the agreements below written:

(International collaboration)

UN Security Council 1373 (2001) and 1624 (2005);

UNODC: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization;
OMI: International Maritime Organization;
IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency;
CTITF: United Nations Information Center- Anti Terrorism;
UNOCT UN Office of Counter – Terrorism – The United Nations;
UNIDC: United Nations Inter-regional Crime and Justice Research Institute;
CTC/ CTED: Security Council Counter- Terrorism Committee;
UNPOL: United Nations Police- United Nations;

Clause Ten: Every JANI member is committed to participate directly or indirectly in matters involving the permanent
intellectual and documentary cooperation with national and international police and public security units. Metropolitan
Civil Guard, State Highway Police, Federal Police, Railway Police, Technical Police and Judiciary Police, as well as
the International Units of INTERPOL, CIA, FBI and Organizations directly connected to the International Public
Security, to the Human Rights and the Environment.

Clause Eleven: The Member of this Chamber duly empowered, declare at this act, that he/ she does not have any
criminal conviction, penal procedure or administrative proceeding in his/ her class entity.

Clause Twelve: He/ She also declares that he/ she is duly qualified to render service as Justice Assistant in the
specificity of Arbitrator, Mediator or Conciliator according to his/ her registration in the Chamber.

Clause Thirteen: The persons indicated or chosen by the parties to work as Arbitrator, Mediator or Conciliator, must
reveal any fact that may show any doubt about his/ her impartiality and independence before accepting the function.
Clause Fourteen: The Member declares to have knowledge and agreement with his / her financial obligations with this
Chamber, namely: Initial expenses of training, qualification and accreditation that is charged in a single parcel with the
payment of annual fee of renewal of his / her habilitation, treated in this act as: Credential.

Clause Fifteen: As the member is officially associated to this Chamber, it is compulsory that he/ she must respect,
observe and accomplish all the rules established in the documents produced by it, such as: Internal Regulation,
Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration Regulation, Ethic Code, Table of Administrative Fees and Payment of Fees and
other resolutions that may be deliberated by the institution.


It is considered the precept that all the content of rules established in this document is in accordance with the Federal
Law No. 9,307 / 1996 and may be replaced by it, in part complementary or in all not mentioned, in absolute regime of
legal obedience in cases of omission or involuntary nonobservance.

It is expected punishment resulting in immediate loss of accreditation of the Member attesting to the veracity of the
information provided at the time of signature of this term and that come to be known as untrue posteriorly.


I declare for the proper purposes, to comply with all the Clauses and respective items mentioned in this term and by
its rules, I undertake to strictly comply with its provisions and guidelines and strictly defending measures that aim at
maintaining public order in favor of a more just society with equal rules, generating peace between people and
governments in all nations.

Date: _______/________/_________

SIGNATURE NAME:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID : F127710270039

DIRECTOR / International Arbitrator Of Justice
F127710270039 -AFRICA Passport:SX002067
14/05/2019 14/05/2020 AFRICA
IAN 777.000.72

This document was made in 2 (two) counterparts of same content. Recalling that the Member may be waived for the
provision of services to “Justiça Arbitral Nacional e Internacional” and lose his/ her accreditation for administrative
reasons and express order of the Board of Executive Officers with agreement of the President according to the JANI

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