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Case 1

A. White plaque surrounded by erythematous margins, with loss of filiform papillae

B. Erythematous candidiasis
C. Smear and culture

Case 2
A. Friable sloughing tissue with white dots and erythema of irregular appearance at buccal
B. Morsicatio buccarum (chronic cheek biting) / allergic reaction to Cobalt chrome
C. Remove source of trauma

Case 3
A. Erythematous gingival enlargement of upper and lower, gingival papillae affected, loss of
B. Hyperproliferation of connective tissue, loss of rete pegs
C. Medication induced gingival hyperplasia, genetics, leukaemia

Case 4
A. Reticular white striations
B. Reticular lichen planus (oral form)
C. Biopsy
D. Hyperkeratosis causing white lesions,
a. Hydropic degeneration of basal cells,
b. Acanthosis( thickening of stratum basale and stratum spinosum) causing elevation of
the lesion

Case 5
A. Swelling on edentulous ridge on mandible. Purplish colour
B. Traumatic hematoma

Case 6
A. Dilated tortuous veins on the ventral surface of tongue
B. Lingual varicose / intra-mucosa nevus
C. Thrombus formation
D. Aesthetic, linked heart disease
E. Reassurance

Case 6
A. Nodule at pharynx
B. Dysphagia
C. Thyroglossal cyst
D. Biopsy, see whether cyst moves when 1) swallow 2) drink water , CT scan

Case 7
A. Infection, localised enlarged erythematous gingiva,
B. A
C. A
D. A
Case 8
A. Pyrogenic granuloma due to infection
B. Steroid intake? Dental treatment on this tooth?
C. A
D. Biopsy histo

Case *
A. Gingival abcess
B. Very erythematous
C. Sour taste in mouth? Pain?

Case 9
A. Small dots of yellowish membrane surrounded with erythematous margins on the hard
B. Herpes simplex, ruptured pemphigus ulcers, Coxsackie virus (hand foot mouth disease)
C. Verify
a. Herpes simplex - Tzanck’s smear test, cell culture
b. Pemphigus - biopsy and direct immunofluorescence, nikolsky sign, asboe-hanson
c. Coxsackie virus - cell culture, antibody count

Case 10
A. Ulcer on superior border of pharynx, generalised erythema on pharyngeal wall
B. Streptococcal pharyngitis
C. Cell culture, rapid streptococcal test

Case 11
A. Erythematous patch with white striae with irregular well-defined border on buccal mucosa
B. Erythematous/erosive lichen planus, erythroplakia
C. Verify
a. Lichen planus - Direct immunofluorescence
b. Erythroplakia - culture

Case 12
A. Horizontal and vertical bone loss - Generalised aggressive periodontitis -
B. Mobility
C. Your bone has gone down

Case 13
A. Erosive Lichen planus, SCC, pemphigoid ulcer
B. Steps
a. Lichen planus - biopsy
b. SCC - biopsy
c. Pemphigoid ulcer - biopsy

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