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Who’s the pirate there are two pirates which one do you mean the one
Ho that´s William he’s good isn’t he yes
He is can we dance
Yes of cource but i´m not very Good and look at that girl over there next to
Doctor the girl is wearing a nurse’s uniform that’s Ricky it´s her party she’s in
Class at school it’s a very nice apartment lots of space for a party yes it is oh
Can you see my cousin chana she’s long blonde hair which one is she wearing
a long
Dress no she’s carrying some drinks oh yes let’s ask her for one Good idea
Shocked that Michael them he’is over there he’s got short Brown hair is he
The boy who’s eating some cake no he’s the one who’s sitting down
Who’s the boy who’s wearing shorts and waving his hands
Oh that’s Richard he’s great he’s going to sing later oh i tink i’m going to
This party me too

And what have you lost alissa my bag i carry my school thinks in it my mom
Will be angry with me now do you know were lost it well i had i ton the bus
when i come home from school them i went to the park with some frients
To play tennis i leftit there and what was in it fir example did you have
Any money it no only some history books i need them for my
Homework and for school what color is black and did you have money
No it is my brothers hes called Andrew that spelled a and d r e w that’s
Jones too isn’t it yes it is ok wel y some some findid and whit play play
Stationcome again tomorrow when ask ok i well tank you very much

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