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Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Honorable all of the juries...

Honorable all of the participants..

First of all, Let us say thank to Allah SWT, who has given his grace and guidance, so that
today we can meet here in this competition in the commemorate of santri day in good health
without any obsticles.

The second is sholawat and greetings, let us always deliver to our prophet Muhammad
SAW, hopefully someday will get intercession in yaumil qiyam Amiin...
Ladies and gentlemen, in this occasion, I would like to deliver a speech about “Millennial

Santri are often associated with pesantren. That is because the general public assume
“Santri” to be islamic students in islamic boarding schools. Whereas islamic education can be
obtained anywhre, such as in madrasah even state elementary school provide islamic education.
So, all of us who are educated are Santri, millennial santri.

Why millennial santri?. We young people are the millennial generation. Generation that
lives in the era of digitalization and rapid technology development. As millennial santri we must
not turn away from this era. Millennial santri must also take a role in developing innovation. So,
that we can feel and enjoy the blessing of life in this era.

Santri have educated with divine values and and morality prevailing in society. Santri
must also to be ready make technology innovation. Santri can do many things to make it happen.
For example, santri can take part in competition in the field of science and technology both
nationally and internationally. Therefore, Santri are only understimated because of their old
educational methods can become influential and consideration.

Ladies and gentlemen, I wiil put some quote form our first president
“Give me 10 young men, I will surely shake the world”

We must to be Millennial santri that can boast of Indonesia above the world... Allahuakbar
I end my speech and I apoligize if I make some mistake in my speech. The last I say
Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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