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The Relation Between Occupational Therapy and Communication to Mental Health Patients at Prof. Dr.

VL. Ratumbuysang Hospital Manado

Occupational therapy is one of many analysis and interventions which considered as an activity that
given to the patients with mental issue in order to help them to maintain health, to overcome disability,
and to analyze their behaviour, to train those with mental health, the disabilities, and those with social

The aim of this research is to know the relation between occupational therapy and skill of
communication to mental health patients at Prof. Dr. VL. Ratumbuysang Hospital Manado.

Research method: this research uses an analytic concept with cross-sectional approach. It involved 180
people as the population. The samples were taken as probability sampling technique with purposive
sampling technique that involved 54 people.

The result shows that there is a relation between occupational therapy and communication to mental
health patients at Prof. Dr. VL. Ratumbuysang Hospital Manado with significant values = 0.009 < a 0.05

Suggestion: It is expected that this study will become a reference in the future for nurses in order to
learn a proper communication to the mental health patients.

Keywords: Occupational Therapy, Communication Skill.

Bibliography: .... books + .... journals

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