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3rD sET

1. Lethe: the condition of forgetfulness; oblivion

2. Levitation: the act of floating; supernatural floating
3. Lexiphanes: pretentious word user; bombastic or magniloquent person
4. Liaison: illicit sexual relationship; case of contact between two parties, usually a person
5. Limpid: unclouded; clear; lucid; defined and deep
6. Magisterial: of, relating to, or having the features of a master or teacher; authoritative
7. Malady: sickness, illness; ague; ictus; ailment
8. Malapropos: out of place; inappropriate; in an inopportune or inappropriate manner
9. Mantelletta: sleeveless vestment worn by cardinals
10. Nocive: harmful, injurious, or causing pain
11. Nonchalant: feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; indifferent
12. Nugacious: trifling, trivial; insignificant; unimportant; worthless
13. Nullibicity: state of non-existence; quality or state of being nowhere
14. Opulence: wealth, affluence; great abundance; profusion; pretentiousness
15. Otiose: indolent; lazy; serving no useful purpose; futile; being a leisure
16. Palisade: a fence of pales or stakes set firmly in the ground
17. Palladian: of or relating to wisdom or learning
18. Quotidian: daily; mundane; occurring every day
19. Recidivism: act of repeating punished act; chronic tendency to repeat crimes
20. Repartee: swift, witty reply; conversation marked by the exchange of witty retorts


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