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Q1. If spheres of same material and same radius r are touching each other, then show that the
gravitational force between them is directly proportional to r4.
Q2. If the density of planet is doubled without any change in its radius, how does g change on
the planet?
Q3. Is it possible to shield a body from gravitational effects?
Q4. If the force of gravity acts on all bodies in proportion to their masses, why does a heavy
body not fall faster than a light body?
Q5. According to Newton's law of gravitation, the apple and the earth experience equal and
opposite forces due to gravitation. But it is the apple that falls towards the earth and not vice-
versa. Why?
Q6. If the radii of two planets be R1 and R2 and their mean densities be ρ1 and ρ2
, then prove that the ratio of accelerations due to gravity on the planets will be R1ρ1:R2ρ2.

Q7. When a clock controlled by a pendulum is taken from the plains to a mountain, it becomes
slow but a wrist-watch controlled by a spring remains unaffected. Explain the reason for the
difference in the behavior of the two watches.
Q8. At what depth is the value of g same as at a height of 40km from the surface of earth.
Q9. It earth has a mass 9 times and radius 4 times than that of a planet P. Calculate the escape
velocity at the planet P if its value on earth is 11.2km/s
Q10. Two satellites are at different heights from the surface of earth which would have greater
velocity. Compare the speeds of two satellites of masses m and 4m and radii 2R and R
Q11. Three mass points each of mass m are placed at vertices of an equilateral triangle of side l.
What is the gravitational field and potential at the centroid of the triangle due to three masses?
Q12. The distance of Neptune and Saturn from sun is nearly 1013 m and 1012 m respectively.
Assuming that they move in circular orbits then what will be ratio of their periods.
Q13. A geostationary satellite orbits the earth at a height of nearly 36000km. What is the
potential due to earths gravity at the site of this satellite.
Q14. If the radius of earth shrinks by 2%, mass remaining constant. How would the value of
acceleration due to gravity change.
Q15. The mass of planet Jupiter is 1.9x1027kg and that of sun is 1.99x1030 kg. The mean distance
of Jupiter from the sun is 7.8 x1011m. Calculate gravitational force which sun exerts on Jupiter
and the speed of Jupiter.

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