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20 October 2019

Malcolm X Persuasive Essay

Prompt: Argue whether you think Malcolm X is a hero or a villain.

Directions: After the reading of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, students will be

asked their opinion on whether they think Malcolm X is a hero or a villain. With
their subjective answer, students will be asked to write a persuasive essay
regarding their view on Malcolm X. In this essay, students will be asked to
persuade the audience of their essay to believe that the opinion they hold regarding
Malcolm X is the correct one. To persuade the reader, students should clearly state
their opinion regarding Malcolm X and should then support their opinion with
multiple examples of textual evidence from his autobiography throughout their
essay. Students essays should not only make sure that their opinion regarding
Malcolm X is supported with textual evidence, but should also ensure that their
essay possesses a clear and organized structure. In doing so, students ensure that
their essays are both powerful and concise to their audience.

Students essays should include an introduction, a thesis statement at the end of our
introduction, multiple body paragraphs supporting their opinion, and a conclusion
that neatly wraps up the student’s argument/opinion.

This is a persuasive essay so there is no right or wrong answer to the prompt, but
make sure that opinions are factually-supported.

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