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Student Name: Annalise Steinmann

Title of Work : ​Candide ​or ​Optimism

Extract Link: ​dmfkemfke

Character   Theme   Plot   Global Issue  

Choose a character or pair of Choose a theme in work and Choose an aspect of the plot Identify and describe a global issue that
characters and what purpose explain its significance to the (point of view, conflict, the author addresses in the work. Then,
they serve in the work. Then, work as a whole. Then, describe resolution, etc) and explain how list how the author develops the global
describe how the author how the author conveys this the author crafts the work as a issue.
achieves this purpose. theme. whole.

5-7 sentence Pangloss is Candide’s tutor and One theme detailed in Voltaire’s Resolution - Voltaire resolves One global issue that Voltaire addresses
explanation of the main philosopher ​G. W. von Candide​ is that optimism is the novel with Candide receiving in the novel is the hypocrisy of religion.
ideas in the Leibniz, Voltiaire’s real life literally trash. Voltaire wrote this everything he’d hoped to gain, Other global issues that Voltaire
work. nemesis. Despite all the soon after a superstorm that the center of his main conflicts, addresses in the novel include the roles
troubles and conflicts Pangloss occurred in Lisbon, where an as he is in the company of his of women in society and their lack of
and Candide undergo earthquake, tsunami, and beloved Cunegonde and his rights, and the differences in rights
throughout the novel, Pangloss firestorm hit the city all at once. It favorite philosopher despite the between the rich and the poor. Also,
persists in his philosophy. His was to this that certain optimistic steepest of odds, yet is plagued briefly Voltaire addresses the
preached philosophy is people replied that this storm with boredom fostered by his impossibility of a utopia. Voltaire also
optimism, commonly paired with was for the best, as it created inability to decipher the meaning criticizes philosophy, and more
the phrase, “all is for the best.” new jobs and the opportunity to of life. This is when Candide specifically, optimism, the alternate title
Pangloss believes everything reconstruct the city. He wrote meets the simple farmer who of the book.
happens for a reason. this novel in response, devotes his life to his agricultural
exemplifying that 30,000 people endeavors, and when Candide
died and optimism be trashy. iconically stated, rather than
participating in an intellectual
conversation, that it was time to
tend to the garden instead.
Author ● The name Pangloss is ● Pangloss’ character is ● The villager farmer that ● Religion developed through the
technique or actually a play on an example of the was uninvolved in Inquisitor and the Jew and their
strategies (bullet words, meaning infectivity of the politics and rather spent roles when it came to their
points) someone who talks too optimistic philosophy, as his time tending to his ownership of Cunegonde and
much. he is stupid and garden and his family their very different burials
You may wish to ● The absurdities therefore the philosophy ● The dervish who ● What the old woman and
consider: motifs, surrounding his is also. refused to discuss the Cunegonde went through for
symbols, character; including his ● The absurd occurrences matter with Candide, women
character foils, multiple resurrections that happens throughout Pangloss, and Martin, ● My passage develops the wealth
narrative and the countless the novel: like who called humans one
technique, plot absurd scenarios his resurrections, and scum essentially by ● Develops the impossibility of
structure. character endured and certain events and comparing them to rats utopia through the El Dorado
faced with his optimistic places like El Dorado. ● That one really rich guy chapter
intent. who had all the material ● Criticizes the optimism and
● possessions one could philosophy through Pangloss’
hope for but wasn’t character as well as Martin and
satisfied with any of Cacambo, and the overall
them or his life in resolution of the book (resort to
general physical labor

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