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Peppa Pig!

Peppa Pig is a 4-year old little pig who cherishes playing with her companions and going to
playgroup when she isn't at home playing with her younger sibling George, or accomplishing
something with Suzy Sheep or the remainder of the Pig Family.
Peppa lives with her younger sibling, George, Mummy Pig, and Daddy Pig. She additionally has
a pet fish named Goldie, and a little gold teddy bear named Teddy. Peppa likewise has a cousin
named Chloe Pig live with her younger sibling, Baby Alexander, their mom, Auntie Pig, and their
dad Uncle Pig, and two known grandparents.

Her Personality
An uproarious and fiery piggy who is effectively energized, inquisitive, and energetic. On
occasion Peppa can be careless and bossy, and she can be impolite and obstinate in the event
that she doesn't know any better, yet she will apologize on the off chance that she understands
she accomplished something incorrectly. She has a temper now and again, which normally
possibly turns out in the event that she comes up short at something or gets irritated with
While Peppa for the most part doesn't mean any mischief, she is very brazen. She likewise
humiliates effectively and may mope on the off chance that she doesn't get her direction, yet
she isn't generally ruined or gutless. She is additionally normally pleased with her achievements
and tends to hotshot on the off chance that she realizes she can.
She enjoys her family dearly, but with her parents she has no issue being blunt or teasing
George. She idols her older cousin and tries to act mature when she's with her, but as soon as
she sees a muddy puddle, she can't resist doing what comes naturally: jumping into it.
She is additionally legitimate and shout out privileged insights and occasions that later
occasions, and alludes other individuals on their mystery identies by their ordinary characters.

Peppa is light pink with pink cheeks and hot pink lips. She has small ears and a pig snout, as
well as a curly tail. She is often shown wearing a red dress with a pair of black shoes
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