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Short film
The visit
Title of production: The visit

For my short film I plan on demonstrating that I am able to create a short film with a clear
narrative but without any dialogue, This will be a real test of my story telling and camera
work skills because I will have to rely on these to fill in the gaps of information that would
usually be shown through dialogue. This will be a challenge and will mean I have to rely on
different techniques like the use of colour, camera angles and props to tell the story. The
task I have been given is to create a shot film with no dialogue for the target audience of 25
to 40 year olds. After writing out three rough ideas I sent these out in a survey and
completed a focus group with members from this age group to help me decide which of the
three ideas I would be creating. After completing this process I saw that the horror story I
had put forward was selected the most popular of all my ideas by members of the target
audience. The idea I am using is about a teenage boy whose mother dies but comes back as
a ghost and is trying to reach him but ends up hurting him every time she tries to speak to
him. Eventually the ghost of the mother brings the boy into her world which kills him but
they are reunited.
Why I am producing this production:
I am producing this production in order to enter it into the, BeCreative film festival Henley
college are holding. Alongside this I will also be using this unit and production to practise my
skills and develop them for my final major project which is the next unit we will be doing.
Being asked to create the production with this target audience in mind will be a challenge
but it also allows me to try create something I haven’t had to in the past since I have always
in the past selected my age group as the target audience.
Deadline: Thursday 28th of November 2019
My target audience:
My target audience is people aged between 25 and 40 and are often referred to as
millennials. This includes both males and females between this age group meaning that this
a broad spectrum of people. Because the target audience is so comprehensive I do not have
to focus on specific traits in order to carter for the target audience but more on things
people from this era will recognise for example
books and sports shoes in the house because
from my research I saw that people from this
age often do sports and are mostly avid
readers. This is one example of ways in which I can
implement things the target audience will like into
the production in order to help target them

What they want to see:

Based on my research on the target audience of 25 to
40 year olds or millennials I have seen that often
what they want to see is things that they can relate too, this is a common theme with the
audience of any short film especially a horror since it is much more scary if the audience can
relate to the characters and put themselves in their shoes. This means that I will do my best
to use characters that either are the age of the target audience or younger but set in the
past. I know this will work because of the recent theme of kids in horror films like IT and
Stranger things and how popular these were with the target audience, I think the reason for
this is because those two productions are set back in time or when the target audience
would’ve been around that age.

What I am creating based on my research:

Based on my research I am creating a horror short film that appeals to my target audience
by making sure that the target audience feels they can relate to the characters and put
themselves in their shoes. The way I will do this is by setting my production sometime in the
late 80s early 90s which is the time when my target audience would’ve been the age of my
main character and also by having the mother and farther within the target audience age
range. This will help because not only will the audience be able to relate to the farther if
they have kids but also they may empathise with the main character the boy because he
should remind them of when they were that age.
Where the production will be aired
My production will be aired on YouTube however if I was able too I would make sure my
production was aired on a site like Vimeo or Netflix since this is the best place to reach my
target audience. Although this is not an option another way I could reach my target
audience is by advertising my production in places where the target audience like on
billboards or the side of a bus because then they might go out of their way to find the
production on YouTube. The reason for this is because although my target audience have
access to YouTube they are not likely to be using it regularly enough to stumble across my
production like they might on Vimeo or Netflix.– did you research this? I know myself and
Adam wouldn’t go to Youtube!

Sound research
My production is a horror short meaning that I will need music that matches the genre, of a
horror short film however I think I will mostly use sound effects and the song storm by jarred
white since these will combine to give the effect I want. While stereotypically in a horror the
music is only used to scare the audience I also want my music to make the audience think
about how sad the story is as well as being scared which is why I think I will use this song for

the end credit. I has a sad theme and sounds as if something has wrapped up and finished
which is the correct effect I am looking to achieve.
Bacon sizzling: This will be the sound effect that I use to mimic the rain in the first scene where
the two characters are in the dark at Caversham court gardens
Crew list
Person Role Dates needed
Jude Philps Young boy being haunted 21st to 23rd October
Jess Sporton Ghost of dead mother 21st to 23rd October
Theo Grey Farther 21st to 23rd October

Links to auditions
Scott Campbell audition for young boy being haunted
Audition notes:
Tiegan Wiggins audition for the mother
Audition notes:
Jude Philps audition for young boy being haunted
Audition notes:
Theo Grey audition for farther
Audition notes:
Ben Varley audition for farther
Audition notes
Raymond audition for farther
Audition notes
Sound Visual
Scene one, Father and son are walking through
Caversham courts graveyard in the rain wearing all
black holding a pamphlet with the boys mothers face
on it. The suggestion this that it’s her funeral but the
dad and son are the only two there.
The camera quickly pans through the graveyard and
then follows on to be focussed on them the son is
clearly upset and the farther is doing his best to
comfort him.
The shot changes to a wide angle of both of them in
front of the grave with placing the picture and some
flowers in front of it.
Another shot shows the picture in front of the grave
but then the flowers begin to rot and rain falls on the
picture of the mother onto her eyes to suggest tears
Sound of rain and bacon will be Visuals fade to black then pan back into a shot of the
the same sound so the audio son cooking bacon with his breakfast
stays the same through this shot He is sat down at the dinner table when the farther
comes into the room and hands him a duster and the
hoover then kisses him on the head and leaves for
As he is walking out he waves and the boy goes to say
something but the door slams before he has a chance
Faint buzzing of light in the and he just continues to eat his breakfast alone.
background Wide angle shot to show he is alone in the room.
The next shot shows the boy cleaning the living room
with the faint sound of the tv going on in the
background this is all wide angle shots with lots of
The tv starts to flicker then shifts
to white noise which grows The camera positioned where the tv is shows the oy
louder and louder looking confused go over to it to try and fix it
Shot from the corner of the room shows the tv turn
off suddenly as soon as he walks over
The boy shrugs it off as nothing and goes to carry on
Popping sound when light bulb cleaning but as he walks away the bulb in the light
goes goes.
Shot from inside the cupboard shows him reaching in
to grab a flashlight and the light flickers on quickly
then turns off, when the light flickers on we see the
figure of a woman standing behind the boy when he
gets the light on and turns around she is gone
The boy moves on to cleaning his shoe rack and we
see him stop for a minute and look at his mums old
When he throws the shoes in the shoes. He throws them into a bin bag
bag we hear the sound of heels
running up the stairs
From a low angle we see the boy look up towards the
noise then quickly turn the flashlight towards the
Sinister music is building up in the Shot from the top of stairs looking down on the boy
background shows him walk up cautiously there are as many
shadows as possible around him.
When he gets up the stairs he looks into every room
in the house which are all dark and there is nothing in
any of them. This is an over the shoulder shot.
He is about to walk away when he notices his mums
old room and opens the door slowly. It is scary inside
but there is nothing there.
The door behind him slams suddenly and he struggles
to open it but he can’t. This is shot from the front of
him over his shoulder and as he is in focus we see a
screaming chair in the corner start to slowly turn around
revealing a teddy bear
The boy turns around and slowly walks over to pick
up the bear he gets it and hugs it and over his
shoulder in the background we see the figure of his
mother but looking grey and evil fly towards him and
the screen goes black.
Production schedule
Date morning afternoon
07/10/2019 Planning production week: production Location confirmation and
schedule with ideal plan and research email for auditions

08/10/2019 Sound research and prop research Arrange props

09/10/2019 Record sound scrapes and download Confirm

music auditions

10/10/2019 Write script Get feedback

11/10/2019 Edit script Audition characters

12/10/2019 Weekend, catch up on any work Weekend’ catch up on any

13/10/2019 Weekend, catch up on any work Weekend’ catch up on any
21/10/2019 Filming week: Finish off any work at Film in Caversham court
college gardens
22/10/2019 Review footage Re shoot Caversham court
23/10/2019 Review footage Shoot at house in emmer
24/10/2019 Review footage Start editing

25/10/2019 Edit footage Edit footage

26/10/2019 Weekend, catch up on work Weekend catch up on work

27/10/2019 Weekend catch up on work Weekend catch up on work

My locations need to match the aesthetic of the horror film genre but also need to be able
to relate to the target audience, for example I am considering filming in London around
some flats since in my research into target audience I discovered that Most of the people of
this age range (25 to 40) are living is flats or small houses. Since I need to be able to film in
and around the house I will need to send out emails confirming if I can use these locations.
The location that I have decided to film in is an average sized semidetached house in Emmer
green Caversham. I think this house will match the storyline because it is old and inside is
creepy meaning it would be easy to add some props and create the correct aesthetic for a
The house is tall meaning that I can shoot it from low
angles and create a cool effect often seen in horrors
where the building looms over the character walking
in. The lighting in the house is dark and dim which
matches the aesthetic I’m trying to produce perfectly
meaning I will be using the normal lighting in the
house and not worrying about using extra lights. The
production will not be using dialogue therefore I
won’t be using the sound recorded outside and will
be making it later when I create the sound scape.
There are places to charge my camera and phone
since the location is in a house this means power will
not be a problem. There aren’t my hazards in this
house other than the fact the house owner owns a
dog which it is important to be careful of when
filming and to make sure it stays away from us when
Location 2
St Peters church Caversham
The warren, reading rg4 7aq
Nearest station is reading station and the
nearest bus stop is the 23 top on warren

This location is outside meaning the lighting is all natural light other than any extra lights I
decide to use which I do not think I will be doing, I will be shooting in the dark and in the
rain meaning the lights may get wet and damaged. This is fine because I want the shot to be
so dark you can barely see the actors. If it is too dark when I get too shooting I will use the
street lights and any other light that is at the location. Since there is no dialogue in my
production most if not all of the sound will be added afterwards in post. This means that I
will record the sound scape of the church and then either recreate it or add things that
people will expect to hear. This means that sound at the location is not a problem. There is
no power at this location since it is outside and there is nowhere nearby where I can charge
my camera or any other equipment, this means that I will have to make sure my camera is
charged and ideally have a spare battery on me in case my camera runs out of charge. There
are not many hazards in this location since it is a functioning church and graveyard, the only
thing me and the actors need to be careful and wary of is being respectful around the graves
and making sure not to get in the way of people using the public footpath or visiting the
church. This however should not be a problem since we will be filming at night time
meaning not many people will be visiting the graveyard.
Props list
Item Item description When it is used Who uses it
Teddy bear Clearly2nd hand The teddy bear is on The boy picks it up
teddy bear that was the chair in his and hugs it before
the boys as a child parents room which he dies
and is picked up by
the boy before he is
Photo of the mother Polaroid photograph The photo is laid The son places it
of the boys dead down on the down onto the
mother gravestone with her gravestone
name on it

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