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The report is all about “Poverty and Income Distribution” by which the reporter discuss

the Poverty and Inequality, Is Climate a Factor?, Measurement of Poverty,

Measurement of Inequality, Who Are the Poor?, Rural Versus Urban Poverty, Poverty
Affects All Markets, Some Policies for Addressing Rural Poverty, And Some Policies
for Addressing Urban Poverty.

Poverty and Inequality, Poverty means the inability to access for a minimal or
acceptable standard of living. Inequality can be more easily defined but is no less
contentious. Inequality is the uneven distribution of income or expenditure across
population groups.
Is a Climate a Factor state that almost all successful and modern industrial economies
are situated in the temperate zone, or colder places of the world. In contrast, almost
all developing economies are situated in tropical or subtropical climatic zones.
Extreme heat and humidity dies affect conditions of production as heat causes a more
rapid rate of soil deterioration as well as causes the rapid deterioration of other natural
resources. The health of the workforce in warmer countries is also more adversely
affected as there is greater frequency of air and water borne infections and diseases
spread more rapidly. In addition, working in a warmer climate is more taxing on the
physical body and hence labor productivity tends to be lower.
Measurement of Poverty, Poverty can be and is measured in different ways by
governments, international organisations, policy makers and practitioners.
Increasingly, poverty is understood as multidimensional, comprising social, natural
and economic factors situated within wider socio-political processes. The capabilities
approach also argues that capturing the perceptions of poor people is fundamental in
understanding and measuring poverty
Measurement of Inequality, incomea inequality metrics or income distribution metrics
are used by social scientists to measure the distribution of income and economic
inequality among the participants in a particular economy, such as that of a specific
country or of the world in general. While different theories may try to explain how
income inequality comes about, income inequality metrics simply provide a system of
measurement used to determine the dispersion of incomes. The concept of inequality
is distinct from poverty and fairness.
Who Are the Poor?, Rural Dwellers people who lived and work in the natural areas of
the world are more likely to be poor. Women, constitute over 70 pencents of the world’s
poor particularly the householdsheaded by women. Childrean, on average children
are poorer because the poorer households tend to be the bigger families. Elderly, the
ederly in the developing countries tend to depend solely on their families to look after
them in their twilight years. Ethnic Minorities, ethnic minorities and indigenous
populations are generally poor for similar reasons such as discrimination and because
they are rural based.
Rural Versun Urban Poverty, Poverty is usually associated with the lack of productive
asset. In rural areas, the majority of the poor found among the landless tenants or
those who owned very small parcels of land. Unemployment in rural areas drives
people to migrate to urban areas and migrants form the majority of the urbasn poor.
Since most new migrants will not have much financial and physical capital to begin
with, they will have to rely on the educational or vocational training they have had prior
to the migration.
Poverty Affects All Markets, credit markets the poor cannot borrow from formal credit
markets because of lack of colateral. Goods market, since the poor have the very low
incomes and cannot afford the cost of storage, thry cannot buy in bulk. Labor markets,
in urban areas, the poor tend to find themslves living in poor communities called
ghettos, in the fringe of cities.
Some Policies for Addressing Rural Poverty, uplift the status of women, in landless
hoyseholds, women experience a number of problems and challenges, particularly in
south asia, during the slack period in the agricultural season. Because of high infant
mortality rates and poverty, landless families generally have relatively small families.
Where some land is available, family sizes tend to be larger as children can do some
chores.Relax tenancy regulations, with respect to land reform, governments should
relax tenancy regulations rather than try to undertake further land reforms. Check rural
credit schemes, in the field of rural credit, there are stereotypes of the unscrupulous,
grouping penny-punching money lender who charges high interest rates to the
unsuspecting poor.
Some Policies for Addressing Urban Poverty, accalerate economic growth, since there
is no land to reditribute and the provision of infrastructure is not so much on issue, the
major “poverty alleviation” policies required in urban areas have to be geared toward
increasing the rate of income growth. Provision of social services, such as education
and health also plays an important role in reducing urban poverty. Dealing with
squatters one third of urban residents in asia, perhaps higher in africa and lower in
latin america live in substandard slums and squatter settlements. Land use, more
rational land use schemes need to be developed. In general rent controls do not
allocate resources effectively and often result in the detereorating stock of housing
bacause of poor maintenance of rent.


Poverty and Income Distribution have extreme effects in every individual. Poverty is
the reason of Inability to Afford Housing with poverty plaguing the country and
employment opportunities being scarce, many Filipinos are unable to afford housing,
which puts them in danger of turning to the streets for accommodation. Malnutrition is
also the effect of poverty and the ueven distribution of income, Hunger is one of the
extreme effects of poverty in the Philippines. With little money to buy food, Filipinos
are having to survive on very limited food; even when food supplies are stable, they
are most accessible in other areas where people have enough income to purchase
the food. And with such an unequal distribution of income, there is a low demand for
food supplies in less developed areas that are home to low-income residents. Poverty
is also the cause of Child Labor, With poverty taking a toll on Filipinos, parents often
can’t make enough money to support their families; children then have to be taken out
of school to work in harsh conditions. Poverty lead to Crime and Thievery, With
conditions so troublesome, people often resort to crime and thievery to survive.
Research found that one of the overwhelming reasons to steal is due to difficulties
caused by poverty. Without proper employment, people turn to stealing, especially
since family sizes are rather large, and there are a lot of people to provide for. In order
to prevent Poverty and Income Distribution the government should Create jobs
because thee best pathway out of poverty is a well-paying job. Raise the minimum
wage in the late 1960s, a full-time worker earning the minimum wage could lift a family
of three out of poverty.

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