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Alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah SWT, the Almighty, for the mercy and
strength so that the writer can finish this actualization project to apply the norms of
ANEKA at my instantion. Invocation and peace go to Muhammad Saw, the Prophet,
families, and disciples. May Allah bless and give peace.
The title of this paper is “ The Use of Community Language Learning Method
to Improve Student’s English Achievement at the Seventh Grade of Sekolah
Menengah Pertama Satu Atap 1 Bengkunat Kecamatan Ngaras Kabupaten Pesisir
Barat.” This actualization project is arranged to fullfil one of requirement in finishing
the basic education and training groups III of XXV generation academic year 2019 in
Bandar Lampung.
The writer would like to express her warmest gratitude to both to: Aris
Supriyanto, S.Sos., MM as my advisor of this actualization project For the examiner
M. Rasyid Manan, S.Sos., MM, who has patiently guided the writer in doing this
paper and writing this paper. Rudianto, S. Pd. as the headmaster of SMPN SATU
ATAP 1 Bengkunat, Fitria Melyantini, S. Pd. as the teacher and collaborator, and all
the big family of SMPN SATU ATAP 1 Bengkunat, who have permitted the writer to
carry out the project.
All her beloved friends from XXV generations and big thanks for the head of
BPSDM provinsi Lampung and BPSDM Kabupaten Pesisir Barat. who have given
their support, help and time in listening and helping her work out of problems that she
can not say one by one here.
Finally, the writer realizes that this research paper is far from being perfect so
that she invites all criticisms. However, she hopes that the research paper would give
worthwhile contribution to the improvement of the English teaching-learning process.

Bandar Lampung, 23 September 2019

The Writer,

NIP. 19920428 201903 2 011

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